BootsnAll Travel Network

Day 24, Bangkok

Well Im back here again for a few days. Nothing too outragous to report about today. We all struggled alittle finding acomodation and ended up full circle with the lads staying were they previously stayed and I were I prev stayed.

We arrived in Bangkok around 6.30am and i then slept most the day, which seems a waste coming here and sleeping but sometimes you just gotta recharge your batteries.

Met up with the guys in the evening in Gullivers and the chang took over again, dont remember too much of the night….

I bumped into Orla from Ireland who I met on the ferry from Ko Samui to Surat Thani yesterday and also Jennie from Israel who I met on the night train again yesterday and is pictured in some of the blog photos…

I ended up drinking whiskey with a group of about 8 Thai people in Susi bar and staggered home.


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