BootsnAll Travel Network

Day 23, We head to Bangkok

Well after our last night out in Ko Samui as Team Chang we were all nursing the legendery CHANG OVER this morning. Checked out of Charlies huts at noon and had a mini bus ride to the ferry port. Then a 3 hour trip to Surat Thani, the weather was fab and views of loads of little islands was equally amazing. We all sat there with our feet hanging over the sides and just chilled catching a few rays…..

Upon reaching the port we caught a bus to the train station which was touch and go, 25 min bus ride and the train leaves in 30 mins so was a bit close to be honest but as usual we made it with no problems.

No on board the NIGHT TRAIN again and we couldnt wait to turn the dining carrige into the PARTY CARRIGE!!!! this time unlike before I spoke with a few people telling them about it, cause if you dont know you will probably not stumble accross it, the train was 16 carriges long. Passing through the dining carrige early I had a word with Natalie who worked there ( a 6 foot 2 lady boy ) told her/him that we were going to have a party and reserved some tables.

When we eventually got there about 8ish and took over the carrige people were turning up asking about the party cause Natalie was telling other passengers too. I connected my mp3 player to the sound system, turned down the lights, turned on a flashing disco ball we found and the party started in force. There was around 15 of us and we drank all the chang they had….. The party had to stop though at 11.30pm though because apparantly on board there was a fight between 6 thai men and 2 thai women which resulted in one of them getting shot and killed on the train. As I said though the train was massive and it was no were near us and we had to wait about 30 minutes at a stop for police to get the body off and the other people concerned.

Anyhows went to sleep around midnight to awake in Bangkok at 6.30am


2 Responses to “Day 23, We head to Bangkok”

  1. Shelley Says:

    Hey, you dont know me but I’ve been reading your site and am hoping to do what you’re doing in Feb. One quick question, do they sell cider in thailand?know its a weird one….but each to their own…..have fun!

  2. Posted from United States United States
  3. Brett Says:

    Thanks for the message on my blog. As Im not a cider drinker to be honest I have not seen it but as it appears you can buy anything you want in Thailand Im sure you can. There are English bars, Irish, Thai and just about everyone else. You even get bars in the back of trucks on roads selling local drinks like moonshine.

    Where in the world are you from?

    I may still be out here in feb depends on money, I dont know your situation but the only advice I could give you if your coming here is do it soon rather than later again depending on what you need to sort out at home. From myself leaving work it took me 5 months of messing around, when I look what I spent in those 5 months I could have travelled around Thailand for over a year.

    Also everything here is just so cheap and as I say you can buy anything here so pack light again dont do what I did and brought tons of stuff just to carry around with you, buy it when you need it.

    Hope it helps a little.


  4. Posted from Thailand Thailand
  5. Ray Says:

    Great pic of you and “Natalie” mate. Gotta circulate that one at work. Get on, get on, get on, get on, get on… the groovy train, get on the groovy train….

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