BootsnAll Travel Network

4 Weeks and counting

Well the title says it all, been planning this since March, three months in SE Asia……. Well folks this is gonna be my little bit of the web were I can make notes of where I am, who I meet and were Im planning to go…… My understaning of this is for ever post I write you will be able to leave me comments if you so choose and Im sure will be appreciated whilst on my travels.
As and when I can I will get photo’s uploaded on here to. Laters…
P.S if you prefer to email me:

” He who dares!! “


One Response to “4 Weeks and counting”

  1. Johanna Says:

    Horray ……. Bretts of on his travels at last …. Now we wont have to listen to babble on about planning it any more!!!! Oh no ….. We will have to listen to his many stories about the whole experience instead!!!……. “When I was at band camp” !!!!!

    Only jokeing honey!! Im just jelous as you know!!

    I’m glad you have finally sorted it all as I was beginning to get extremly jelous that you could lye in till lunch every day… now you can go see some amazing sights and meet some amazing people.

    Be careful … keep in touch … and dont forget …. If you do decide to do a winter season make it Val de saire and I will teach you how to board !!!!

    Byeeeee xx Jo xx

  2. from me to you momxxxx Says:

    hi brett everytime i think of you going away i panic i miss you everyday anyway the thought of you not being around to speak too i panic when you are on your travels just remember we love you so much take a look in the sky where ever you may be and the brightest star will be me saying love you be carefull and i will count the days till you come home good luck mom and brian xxxxx

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