Just the FAQs, please.
Wednesday, April 11th, 2007Here they are, readers, the answers to the questions that have been keeping you up nights. Where is she going again? How in the world can she afford this? How many pairs of underwear is she bringing? All of these and more are answered right now, so pop some popcorn and get ready for the read of a lifetime!
Where in the world are you going, Becky?
I’m glad you asked! I’m starting in London, where I’ll hang with my homies Suzie and Toni. Thank God I have a free place to stay, cause that is one expensive city. Then, I’m off to Paris to eat lots and lots of pastry, mostly. I might go to a museum too. Then, it’s off to Greece to meet my sister Karen and her man, Mike. We’ll spend a week checking out all sorts of old stuff, or on the beach if the weather is nice. Then on to Rome and the Isle of Capri for another week. This is where I part ways with the sister and head off on my own to: South Africa, Mozambique, Malawi, Tanzania, Kenya, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos and India. Phew, I’m tired just typing the list. Alternately, I will be on the beach in Bali for 7 months.
How did you pick all those countries?
I threw a dart at a world map.
You’re going for 7 months? Really?
Seven months — seems crazy, no? I’ll be in Europe for a month, then in Africa for 10 weeks, Southeast Asia for 12 weeks and India for six weeks. At least that’s the plan now.
What are you going to do with all that time?
That’s the beauty of travel, my friends: who knows what I’ll do! Maybe nothing, maybe climb Mt. Kilimanjaro. Probably the latter.