Deep Breaths
After a few all nighters, I’m in Cairns and resting up for my diving adventures. Before leaving Sydney, I snagged some standing room opera tickets for Don Giovanni. It was fabulous, especially when Don Giovianni jumped onto stage in an entire leather get-up. The opera house overlooks the bay and bridge, so during intermission that is what you see while drink ing your wine. Not bad at all. I ran into the U.S. Aussie Rules Football Team (which I had no idea is played in the States), so my last few nights in Syndey were spent re- living the glory days of rugby socials. I was pleased that my song skills are still intact.
Today was the start of my dive course. It was a bit of deja vu because the f ormat is just like Barbri! So we fill in these f ancy sheets and then take quizzes. The only difference is that I get more than 50% correct. I actually had to move seats though because these two guys next to me were cheating off me. I don’t think they speak english well, so they can’t really understand what the video person was saying. Breathing under water is not as scary as I thought it would be . After tomorrow, we’re on the boat for three days. I’m just as excited for the boat trip as I am the diving. I plan to try my hand at some underwater photography, so we shall see how that goes!
Wish me luck on my test tomorrow!
Tags: Travel
August 18th, 2005 at 8:16 am
Hazah. Cool I want to go diving. It sounds like alot of fun. Um…….ya….AUSSIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!The opera….sounds cool withall the leather attire. Is Don Giovani fat? JUst wonderen.
August 18th, 2005 at 8:19 am
I’m going to go diving at Typhoon Lagoon w/ Nick (no way!)….he’s the butterfly specialist aka butterfly boy. You can’t get away from testing, can you? Hope the photography works.