BootsnAll Travel Network

Would you do it again?

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It’s over.

I made it through a month of Kung Fu training in China without any broken bones or major injuries. Every part of my body was screaming “Screw You” when I left the training center on Friday afternoon, so I’ve spent the past few days relaxing in Beijing. Relaxing, meaning I’ve been walking several hours a day instead of running, kicking, walking like a duck, and jumping like a frog. The freedom to do whatever I want, whenever I want is priceless.

Whenever I finish one of my adventures I’m always asked “Would you do it again?” The answer is invariably “Yes” and Kung Fu boot camp is no different. It wasn’t what I expected. I was not mentally or physically prepared for the training, but I adjusted and I’ve taken many lessons and a little wisdom away from this extreme experience. At the risk of boring you with cliche insights and deep thoughts, I’ll just tell you one thing I’ve learned from this experience: If we ever go to war with China we’re going to lose. Watch a single fight between two merciless 10 year olds who will one day be soldiers and you, too, will agree.

So, now I’m in Beijing waiting for my permit and train ticket to Tibet. I should be leaving at the end of the week and I’m super excited!!

Tomorrow I’m going to hike 10 kilometers of the Great Wall. This section (Simatai) is about 3 hours outside of Beijing, so the bus leaves at 6:40am. Normally I’d moan and groan about such an early departure, but after boot camp, this schedule is strangely in my comfort zone. All I have to do is sit on the bus. That’s all. No frog hops. No hand stands. No sprints. No squats with someone on my shoulders. Just sitting and staring.


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3 responses to “Would you do it again?”

  1. Scott says:

    That is probably key to how such experiences expand/change us: It was different from what we expected, or thought possible for ourselves, and then we adapted.

    The sign of change afterward is the expansion of that ‘comfort zone.’ After the trial of Kung Fu boot camp, tasks such as rising early and sitting through a long bus ride are nothing.

    You’re so bad, you’re Superbad.

  2. Jeanne Crawford says:


    Congratulations on finishing safely and successfully. I’m in awe of everything you’re doing.

    If you want to join the Marines when you’re home, I’m sure they’d love to have you….HA!

    Enjoy the rest of the trip.

  3. Twy says:

    Thank God that is over!!

    I knew if you were asked ~ you’d say you’d do it again……….That’s who you are, and I’m proud of you.

    Enjoy the rest of the adventure. Be Safe!!

  4. Greg says:

    What…only a 10KM walk??? Sifu says do 50 back bridges…ready….go! haha 🙂

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