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Ma-weekend with ma-Kelly

Monday, June 26th, 2006

After getting used to coming home to a quiet apartment and spending my evenings with only my TV and the odd glass of wine as entertainment, it was a welcome relief to have ma-Kelly come down to spend the weekend with me in Fort Lauderdale. That alone got me through a week of technical training at work that had my brain completely fried and had me wondering why the heck I’d ever been hired in the first place. Here I was thinking I was out of college and done with formal learning, and now I’m being completely re-educated, complete with classroom instruction and eventual examinations. On the plus side, I’m getting paid for it!

Kelly drove down Friday night, bringing with her a slew of trashy British magazines that Mark had sent her from London. We pretty much spent the night flipping through, laughing at and making catty comments about unfortunate C-list celebrities. Not unlike many evenings spent together in Acton! To round out the night of British-ness we watched a movie Mark had also sent over—a dodgy DVD he’d probably bought from a guy in a trench coat on the Tube, called Football Factory. However dodgy it was, it at least was in a multiregional format so it worked in my DVD player. It was actually a pretty good movie! I needed subtitles for part of it, but other than that we had a good time watching it and learning even more about the passions and motivations of Englishmen…namely violence, sex and alcohol. Oh yeah, and football. 😀

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Work in the Bahamas? Don’t twist my arm…

Monday, June 19th, 2006

I promise, this will be my last comment about lizards (maybe)…they are so unbelievably HUGE down here! I was at Home Depot yesterday wandering around the garden section and I saw this little lizard, like the cute green ones that are all over the place back home in Gainesville. So I bent down to look at it closer and then this other massive one runs out in front of me and stops. It was HUGE! Not as big as the iguana, but all the same…this was like one of those lizards you see on Discovery Channel documentaries shot in Africa, with its hind legs about three times longer than its front ones and windmilling as he ran. It was the funniest thing! I tried to chase after it with my phone to get a picture but it ran under a pallet before I could get a good one. When will the lizard wonders cease to amaze me?

I managed to get quite a lot done this weekend around my apartment. It’s been arts and crafts and other random tasks as I’ve tried to piece the place together one part at a time. So far things are coming together nicely! I’m still short two end tables, but the coffee table came Saturday morning and the others should be here in a week or so. I’ve been getting pictures printed, hung, picture frames painted, shelves decorated, fake trees bought and potted, and patio furniture polyurethaned. That was no fun task. I started last week, and was halfway done with the first chair before I started feeling something funny in my nose. It turned out that the polyurethane fumes I was breathing in were beginning to seal my nasal passages shut! Oops! I also managed to get a nice plastic coating on my arms and legs while I was at it. I finished the job tonight and thought I was being really smart by tying a bandana around my face to protect myself from the fumes. I thought it helped, but that was just until my noxious fume-induced high wore off and I realized my lungs were coated in plastic once again. So now not only are my chairs protected from the elements, but my lungs are as well.

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Reptilian roommate

Thursday, June 15th, 2006 There are freakin' lizards in my apartment!!! I know I was excited about seeing my first wild iguana down here a couple of weeks ago, but tonight I've discovered that I'm really just not a lizard person. I was just ... [Continue reading this entry]