BootsnAll Travel Network

Hola Peru!

Here we are. We had a delayed takeoff from the US but an uneventful flight to Lima. After filling out our Andean Immigration Card and indicating our “main porpouse of travel” we arrived Lima after midnight. The taxi ride to our hotel was mildly terrifying. My first impression of Lima was that Baghdad couldn´t be much different. Skeletal dogs and gangs of men roaming, fires of trash burning along the streets, partially destroyed buildings and wall-enclosed homes everywhere. Our driver took a circuitous route, I don´t know if it was for our protection or what, but if that was the safest route, I would hate to see the dangerous one. After first stopping at the wrong hotel, Hotel Carmelo, instead of Hotel Carmel, we were at our stop for the night, well, only for about 5 hours. At 6:45 the next morning we were on the road back to the airport. In daylight and along the route taken this time, Lima looked a little better. I have to say, however, that the Lima airport is very nice. Immaculately clean and well organized. After stopping at the airport McDonalds for a “McQueso” sandwich and some jugo (juice), we caught our quick flight to Cusco.

Cusco is a charming town. One of the highest cities in the world, at 11,400 feet, Cusco feels like another world. We´ll be here for a few days so I´ll post my impressions later. It´s lunchtime now so we´re off for lunch Peruvian style.
Plaza de Armas
This is the Plaza de Armas, the main square in Cusco.

Suecia St, Cusco
Suecia Street is only steps from Plaza de Armas. Hotel Del Prado is about 3 doors down on the right side. The hotel is small, clean and very nice.
tight fit
Narrow streets leave little room for pedestrians and trucks. This is the street going up to San Blas church.

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3 responses to “Hola Peru!”

  1. Kim Longenbaker says:


    I’m happy to hear that you and Bob made it to Peru safely. It sounds like quite an adventure already! Have a wonderful time and take lots of pictures!


  2. Bienvenidos! So glad to hear things are going as planned. I am so jealous that you get to see Cusco, I’ve read about it for years, hope you enjoy it and take lots of photos. I remember one photo, maybe some ancient National Geographic thingie, about a famous bit of wall. Famous because it’s really old, the stone was dragged from somewhere far-off after having been cut to exactly the right size with weenie little non-metal tools. Ennyhoo, have fun and as I shouted to Lance Armstrong as he flew past, Never forget the Alamo!

  3. Joli in Marvelous Marin says:

    AJ – Am so glad you’re taking this trip and can tell me all about it. Stay safe, have fun, and don’t drink the water.

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