BootsnAll Travel Network

Eleven hours in Lima airport

Instead of enjoying the heat, humidity and insects of the Amazon right now, due to our aborted trip we´re waiting eleven hours in the Lima airport for our midnight flight to the U.S. Despite the Baghdad-ness of Lima, this is a very clean, well-organized airport. But eleven hours is a bit too long to spend here. The only flight we could get from Cusco arrived Lima at 1:00 this afternoon, so here we are.

The only exciting things to report are a suspicious package in the check-in area which required evacuation of a large section of the terminal while 4 bomb-sniffing dogs and men wearing helmets and padded vests slowly opened the suspect duffel bag. As the all-clear was given, and Bob and I were waiting for the Continental check-in desk to open, we noticed a funky odor and assumed it was coming from one of us. We both were quite uncomfortable and were trying to determine which of us was the source of the problem and if the first-class lounge had a shower. Turns out it was the man who had taken his shoes off and was busy cleaning out his toe jam while sitting near us in a major thoroughfare of the airport. Lovely. But sort of a relief to us anyway.


One response to “Eleven hours in Lima airport”

  1. Kim says:

    Toe jam! Oh my gosh, I was reading this while eating my lunch- YUCK!

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