BootsnAll Travel Network

Wednesday May 3rd – Hatitai Pharmacy

Brent invited me to observe the operations at a small retail pharmacy in Hatitai.  Of course we have stopped into various community pharmacies during our travels, but it was great to go in and see the internal operations of the pharmacy. 

NZ has a “pharmacist only” schedule of medication.  Basically, this is a group of medictions that can be “prescribed” by a pharmacist.  This group includes medications like topical antibiotics.  In the case of medications like Plan B Emergency contraception and Diflucan one time only oral treatment pharmacists are expected to take a course before they can legaly dispence these medicaitons.  They must document the patient information and the particulars (dose, schedule) for record keeping.

It makes so much sence and works so well, I wonder why we have’nt adopted a similar program in the US?  Yet another Windmill that I can plan to attack!


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