BootsnAll Travel Network

It’s Finally Here!

Likely the last post from Colorado!  It has been a lot of work getting everything ready to go for the trip – we got it all done though!  Two anal workaholics can get a lot done if they put their minds to it.  Ironically, I gave Erin a hard time about wanting to bring too many bags – and I ended up bringing 2 big bags for check in (she is only checking 1)! (yeah, I’ll eat crow – better when warm)(This is ERin – I was right.  I made Abe repeat this several times last night regarding the bags!)
We will be getting in our pace run and a light workout before getting on the plane (all Erin’s idea I assure you). (This is Erin – Aren’t I a slavedriver?)

Other than that, we just need to fly (something Erin is terrified of) and make it to NZ safely.

We will post again when we arrive!


One Response to “It’s Finally Here!”

  1. Steve Rait Says:

    Gute Fahrt … as they say auf Deutsch.

  2. Posted from United States United States

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