General Timetable
Abe Posting (quick warning – I have found no easy way to spell check these posts – firefox screws up the font and wipes data, and I can’t paste in from word – so you guys are stuck with a 3rd grade level spelling ability/ and maybe a 5th grade grammar level)
Erin and I are Leaving this Thursday and arrive in Auckland on Saturday morning. We are hoping that the hotel will let us check in early (the plane lands at 4:10am). After 4 days in Auckland we leave for Wellington on Thursday the 30th. Carrie, Rashmi, and I start our rotations on Monday the 3rd. It will be cool to have the spouses there to play while we work as pharmacy slaves – wait…how is that different than here at home? They deserve it after dealing with us crankey grouches for the last 4 years! (The spouses leave on April 13th, we leave on May 14th)
Our time in Auckland will be spent in the city – we are going swanky for the first 2 nights at the Crowne Plaza and then to more modest accomodiations at the Aspen House. Thankfully, Alex and Luke have made some great suggestions of stuff to do – this is much appreciated. Alex mentioned that the Waitomo Caves were a fun trip (to see the glow worms) and also recommended the Luge and hot springs at Rotaura – I’m going to have to brush up on my geography because I reeally want to do these things. We are lkooking forward to Luke’s input – Jesse tells me you lived there for 6 months…LUCKY!
After Auckland we will be living in Wellington in a house (490 Evans Bay Parade, Evans Bay). We hope it’s a nice safe area, Erin did a great job finding the place and working out the specifics – Thanks Erin!
The plan while in Wellington is to use the house as a home base and make trips out to the surrounding areas (I doubt you can get more central than Wellington). We hope to get some good day hikes/adventeures in! I’d also like to learn how to surf (yeah, Chip, I still harbor that dream – maybe one day I’ll overcome my clutzyness). FYI: Cip tried to teach me to surf years ago – he is one patient teacher. I was so bad – but he never gave up trying to teach me and I tried as hard as I could!
So that is the extent of our plans – we have a way of getting over there – a place to stay – and some edgemacation to get while we are out there. It should be a blast!
…Quick question for the New Zealand veterans: Do you know anyone good who does tribal body art there? I know it’s insulting to actually get tatooed, but I was hoping to get some individualized artwork painted on my calf. Christrian recommended this so I could photo it and have it modified for an actual tattoo at home. Any thoughts?
Tags: Pre-trip
March 21st, 2006 at 3:19 pm
You guys are so lucky… Have fun in New Zeland. Don’t be afraid. Rent a wetsuit and a big foam board and just go!!! (surfing, that is)
March 22nd, 2006 at 9:58 am
Have a great time in New Zealand. If you have graduated from the Chip-school of surfing, I am sure that you can ride anything they throw at you down there. Keep up the posts, and I’ll do my best to riddle the comments with plenty of toilet humor.