BootsnAll Travel Network

Tuesday, April 18 – back to work

Today was my first day at Hutt hospital, while the twins had to go back to the wonderful Wellington public hospital. 

I really enjoyed Hutt – my preceptor Richard and the entire staff are very helpful and friendly.  In fact Richard drove me to his house and introduced me to his wife Robyn.  We had a coffee and went to the local Rotary club meeting (which was held at an old New Zealand television station building).

I’ve never been to a Rotary club before and this experience was really cool because I was able to have a glimpse into a New Zealand Community.  Everyone I met was super down to earth.  In fact I was suprised to find out that many of them were very influencial members of the community – I didn’t feel that they were looking down their noses at me.  I felt very welcome and privliged to spend the evening with such a wonderful group of people. 

One of the speakers for the evening was a WW2 vet who talked about growing up in the UK durning the German bombings, his time serving on a navy vessel and eventually as a dock supervisor in Wellington.  I love hearing people talk about their history!

The company was great and I felt so honard to be a guest at this meeting – it was a wonderful evening.



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