Monday, April 10
Erin writing – While Abe was at work, I decided to go to a museum that I had not yet gone to yet, the Museum of Wellington City and Sea. This museum gave a hundred year history of the city, its intimate relationship with the Sea, and social change, including the Maori people. As usual, it was free and offered some amazing exhibits. After this, I had lunch on the wharf and people watched. It is still absolutely amazing to me how many Kiwis run on their lunch hour! I made my way home because Abe and I had more stuff planned for the evening!
When Abe got home, we caught a taxi and went to do the Red Coastal walk. This walk takes place on the southern most part of the north island. As the name indicates, it is a walk along the coast.
that actually ends at a seal colony! We were not sure if we would see any seals because it is not yet their time to be there. However, we saw a couple! Here are some pics!
Isn’t this cool?
After we finished our walk, we went to a restaurant close to the house, The Ocean Restaurant. It sits above the water so as you are eating you feel as though you are floating right above it! We had fantastic fish and a great dessert. The chef came out to say hi because he heard that we were from the U.S. It turns out that he was from New Orleans! It was a great meal and a great afternoon.
Tags: Wellington