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May 29, 2004

About Me

I'm leaving on June 13th to travel for a year (or until my money runs out). I plan to visit India, Vietnam, Australia, New Zealand, the Cook Islands, Tahiti, the US and the UK. I have a Working Holiday visa, and intend to spend a few months working in Sydney.

I've got my tickets, but they're pretty flexible, and I'm not much of a planner (I'd like to say this is because I'm a spontaneous free spirit, but if I'm honest it's more down to laziness), so it's all subject to change!

I have no lofty aims in making this trip: no existential questions to be answered, no quest for Zen, no desire to 'find myself' (I reckon I've found enough to be going on with). I just love to travel and can't think of anything I'd rather be doing at the moment than seeing new places and meeting different people.

I live in Brussels, Belgium and have been working (and saving) here for the past six months. Before that, I worked in New York, and have also lived in California, England and (briefly) China.

Posted by Rowena on May 29, 2004 03:45 AM
Category: About Me
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