BootsnAll Travel Network

To Dread or not to Dread….?

Anjuna Beach Sunset

After a slow start things are finally starting to look up.  As you know I have been quite ill and we were held up in Panaji until I was better (it was green and coming out of both ends) Lonley Planet guide book diagnosed me with having travellers diahorrea, which apparently 30 to 70 % of travellers get with in the first 2 weeks… 30 to 70!!! I hope some one in the statistics department got fired for that one.

Im glad I got that out of my system!  So we’ve moved north to a beach called Anjuna, still in Goa.  Its renowned for being the party spot, but we’re right at the end of the high season, and so it’s pretty dead, and we’re not in too much of a mood to party.  So we checked in to a swanky hotel for a few days of R n R! Unfortunately it turned out to be a bit hippy-dippy, and having not eaten in 3 days I was in need of some good old fashioned home cooking, NOT a cashew nut burger with a rainforest for a side salad! Unfortunately we still didn’t have lady luck on our side. I still have Cat though… swings and roundabouts…

They did however do an amazing wheat free chocolate brownie! mmm…

After 2 days of veggie crap and Indian TV we felt fully revitalised and ready to start again, head out in to the world and start exploring. So we took a taxi 500 metres down the road and checked in to a cheaper hotel.  An adventure starts with just a step.  We checked into a room just off the beach with the view of spending a few days on the beach and relaxing even more! We found a really nice resturant that does amazing curries, and a few nice bars which show films in the evenings and have pretty decent pool tables.  So we’re filling the days well. Haven’t brought myself to get on the cheap beer yet though. Dont want to relapse and be ill again. A few more days I think and I should be there.

Today was the world famous Anjuna flea market.  I didnt see a single flea though; Cat assured me that this was a good thing but I still feel a bit disappointed. It was a huge market selling mostly tourist stuff but had some very nice clothes and jewllery.  Cat has also decided to get her dreads done by a nice hippy. Charged a small fortune but it’s well worth it to get them done nicely and know she’s happy with them; she may have them for some time. The hippy lady (name still unknown to us) lives on the next beach up so she’s going to come and get us Friday morning and spend the day doing Cat’s hair.  I may have to start the drinking..

So that’s us for now.  After friday we will be heading south to Palolem, still in Goa, which comes highly recommended by Neve (a good friend of ours) Hopefully even more relaxing by the beach. We’re not sure where we will head after that. It’s all part of the experience, meeting people and talking with them and finding out where’s good to go.

I hope all is well at home.  And thanks for all the comments. I hope I answered any questions, if not keep them coming and we’ll answer them in our next blog

 Also, we’ve added a link on the right hand side of the page to the BBC site  so you can check what the weather’s like out here… we’ll keep it updated to the specific place we are at the time… cool huh?

Peace and love


2 responses to “To Dread or not to Dread….?”

  1. John says:

    Luverly juberly


  2. Vietnam Steve says:

    So you made it eh? Champion.

    Never been to India but I think it will be one of my next projects.

    China beach was 1yr ago!! Can you ‘Adam and Eve’ it?

    James sick in India? I reckon everyone gets that mate. I got truly fucked in Burma. The worse in 2 years of monging.

    3 weeks and I leave Taiwan for another fortnight in the Philippines. Chinese language studies going OK!

    You’ve inspired me to do a blog entry.


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