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April 12, 2005Buenos Aires
So I´m here. My flight landed Saturday morning, and I took a 2-hour bus to Downtown (Microcentro) where I´m staying. I´ve been spending most of my time walking around to get a feel for the town. It´s strange, because right now Argentina is going through a severe economic crisis - a crisis that´s as bad, if not worse, than the early days of the Great Depression were for the USA. As a result, it´s hard to know if certain things you see are part of the culture, or are just because of the times. For instance - it´s a pretty dirty town. At first I thought it was because of the economic crisis. But no, the city is actually cleaner now than before, because their are so many people (´`recyclistas´´ is the polite word) who clean the streets of anything remotely recylable in order to sell it. The more I talk to people, the better feel I´ll get I suppose - it´s just difficult when you have no point of reference. No picture today - I´m guessing there´s too many up already and it´s slowing down everyone´s computers. I´ll try to get rid of all the pictures on the main page - I´m new to this blogging thing. Comments
If everyone would access the blogs they read through an aggregator, they wouldn't have to re-load the pictures each time to see the newest post. E-mail me if you want help. It's easy. We did NOT mix anything up! We said Cairo, LA and Shanghai. Why would we have said Seoul when it is on the same continent as Shanghai. grrrrrrr. Posted by: Judy on April 16, 2005 09:30 PM |
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