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April 01, 2005Old photos
As I'm not heading out until next week, I figured I'd relive a couple old trips I took here. First - my first time on the "Continent." This photo is from January 1st, 2002 (the first day of the Euro). I had just stood in line for the Eiffel tower for three hours in the freezing cold the day before - only to have the thing shut down when we were 6 people from the front. No free pass the next day or anything. Even though I came back and went up the thing early the next day (no line) this picture pretty much sums up my feelings. I even tried to find a EuroDisney shirt to wear while I took this picture, but no luck. For all of you who think you've been the "Obnoxious American" at one point or another - try asking a Parisian where you can find a EuroDisney T-shirt. Please note - this picture was taken before it became all PC and fashionable to hate the French here in the USA. Hey, don't get me wrong - I hate the French as much as the next guy - I just don't want this ending up as a commentary on World politics or whatever.
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