BootsnAll Travel Network

What my blog is about

A few years back I wrote my first blog, and what a challenge that was! At the time I had a hard time just keeping up with the endless flow of daily emails, and the blog was more of a personal challenge to show that I can keep a promise to my friends. And since that first blog, I travelled quite a bit but I've only shared little info with my fellow travelers although I read and expect to find info about the various destinations... . So, moving forward, I will do my best to provide my perspective on the various destinations, but even more important provide links and facts and data that can be used by other travelers as they research their trips. That being said, I though I should start the sharing, with my favourite city in the world. CHICAGO! Why ? Well ideally, as you read my blog you will find out, why I’ve fell in love with the windy city . And I hope, one day you will too.

The best city in the world!

February 26th, 2011
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