I Don't Believe It! India, S.E. Asia, and beyond |
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February 07, 2005Varkala
22nd - 27th Jan 2005 I arrived in Varkala. found accommodation, and within minutes met up with a guy ‘Scott’, that I had previously met in Mangalore. It turn out the previous night there had been a big party and later that day Scott introduces me to a crowd that he has been hanging around with. Mostly English, Australian, and Kiwi. A token American thrown in to give everyone else someone to laugh at.. Names (Scott, Rob, Ryan, Melaine, Anna, Michelle, Dan, layla, and Trevor) We spend the days in Varkala hanging out on the beach and the nights eating out and drinking large quantities of beer. Most people in the group are nearing the end of their stay in India and Varkala is a great place to unwind. A million miles from the real India. Each day the group seems to expand as more people arrive, and a couple of nights we have some drink fuelled late night party's at shack style restaurants/bars. One particular night was absolutely hilarious. A shack had set up a stage/dance floor for the party. Late at night the local lads all got on the stage and tried to out do each other with there camped up Bollywood dance moves. In true Indian style the were all pushing each other out of the way in a battle to be at the front of the stage. Indian men are without a doubt the vainest people on earth (with no good reason to be). Where ever you are in India you are guaranteed to see men stopped in front of mirrors to comb their hair. It was so funny to watch the dancing, I have never seen such a ridiculous display of dance moves in my life. Another thing about Indian(s) they are the gayest population in the world. I don’t care what anyone says about men holding hands just being a sign of friendship. They are all mincers. They were all grabbing each others arses, bumping and grinding with each other and generally acting as gay as you possibly could under the guise of a special friendship. I blame the repression of affection between man and woman. the whole Male society is so frustrated they resort to holding their mates hands, grabbing each other arses and getting jiggy on the dance floor with one another. A friend Dan managed to get some video footage of the dance moves and said he will email it to me. As soon as I get it I will upload it. It really is worth a million you’ve been framed prizes. We all end up staying in varkala longer than planned and have one last party before we all head off in different directions. Rob, and Scott and I, all head south to Thrivandrum with monster hangovers. Comments
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