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October 01, 2004Arrived in Delhi
Fortunately when I finally arrived (5am local time) the guest house that i had a mixed up conversation with 2 days ago had actually reserved me a room. The area I'm staying is a Tibetan quarter outside of the city center and whilst it is pleasant I'm trying to arrange some accommodation bang in the middle of things for when Ennis arrives.. Speaking of which Ennis and I have still made no plans.. I think i will back down and meet him from the airport other wise we might never see each other.. I spent the morning catching up on much needed sleep before venturing out to get a rickshaw into the center of the city (Ive yet to make it the center of the city) I have spent most the day in an area called Paharganj.. this is meant to be a god backpackers area and is nice and close to New Delhi railway station. I went to check out trains etc at the station and came away a bit bemused, but amused all the same.. The ticket offices consist of about a hundred asbestos sheds with about three thousand people trying to get to each shed, the departure / arrival boards confused me even more and in the end I walked away and decided I'd try again tomorrow (I have since discovered that there is a tamed down traveler friendly ticket buying area on the other side of the station) Paharganj is a full on chaotic maze of alley ways and streets with more people, shops, animals, and vehicles crammed in to them than you could possibly imagine. The streets are generally covered in Sh*t of all kinds, and the smell is a total assault of the nostrils. Having said that if you look around for long enough, beneath the surface this area of town does seem to have some nice spots, and many places to eat. I should know I have just spent the last hour tucking in to a rather tasty Veritable thalli accompanied by a Kingfisher Beer! mmmm!! Gonna head off now and try and make some sense of this place.. Its just that I haven't really got a bloody clue where I am right now so wish me luck and ill report back once Ive found my way out of this maze of streets! Comments
hi hope your having fun! Posted by: kirsty on October 2, 2004 05:43 PMHi Mark, Hi Mark Great to hear you arrived safely...no mention of the bogs! I bet they always leave the seat down!! Jane hey mark! Jane.. You'd love the bogs! put it this way ive mastered the art of the squatt! Nuff Said!!! Posted by: Mark on October 14, 2004 08:37 PM |
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