August 23, 2004
Turkish Delights
We are back in Istanbul after a few nights in Antalya on the Mediterranean coast. Antalya was beautiful, but hot with an impressive old town of winding cobblestone streets and endless little guest houses. We succeeded in getting a boat on to the turquise waters, but it didn't happen exactly as we had planned.Read this update
Posted by kobb at 04:45 AM |
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August 18, 2004
Istanbul (Not Constantinople)
What a change a few thousand miles makes. Istanbul has managed to jump to the top of both of our lists for favorite city in the world (passing Paris.) Even a few days of rain couldnīt diminish our enthusiasm for this beautiful city that manages to blend Europe and the Middle East through a mix of good food, wonderful architecture and lively street life.Read this update
Posted by kobb at 02:12 AM |
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August 14, 2004
And Now For Something Completely Different
Well, I think we have tortured our friends and family long enough. My mother has probably called half of the embassies on the planet now trying to figure out where we disappeared too. It's time to reveal the grand secret.Read this update
Posted by kobb at 07:16 AM |
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