June 04, 2004
Everything but the kitchen sink...
Even though I think we did well at not packing too much useless junk, I am sure there will be things that have a week or two we'll wonder what exactly we were thinking. Luckily, we don't really have anything worth sending back. If it is not being used we'll either trash it or trade it for accomodations and/or drugs.Read this update
Posted by kobb at 07:25 PM |
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June 03, 2004
What I did on my summer vacation
Before Shawn and I leave on our big trip, I was lucky enough to get to take a vacation with my mom to Prince Edward Island, Canada. I've spent the last week seeing sights, learning about Canadian history, and just generally enjoying life at a slower pace.Read this update
Posted by kobb at 09:48 AM |
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June 01, 2004
Pretty'n up the place
Since our online journal, or "blog" for those of you keeping up with your homework, was looking a tad bland, I'm toying with its colors a bit. Consider this your warning if I strike upon any color combinations that cause seizures.Read this update
Posted by kobb at 06:15 PM |
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May 25, 2004
Old friends and new beginnings
It's been a busy couple of weeks here in Hoosier country. Jennifer and I have been run through the gamut of attending major life events. We caught up with old friends, attended a graduation and welcomed a new baby to the world. It's a good thing we quit our jobs, we're too busy to go to work.Read this update
Posted by kobb at 12:25 PM |
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May 08, 2004
Television, Tigers and Amish, oh my!
Jennifer and I successfully navigated our 14' Uhaul across 2300 miles of land in the good ol' U.S. of A and have arrived safely in Indiana. We've been here about a week now and have settled into a routine of relaxing, satellite TV watching and general laziness. It's a good we're only Indiana a month otherwise we'd soon end up too fat for Asian trekking.Read this update
Posted by kobb at 01:35 PM |
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April 26, 2004
The Portland Going Away Party
Our going away party was a great success. There were many stories shared, many slices of pizza eaten and many cups of beer imbibed. But not enough beer imbibed. We have so, so much beer...Read this update
Posted by kobb at 11:02 AM |
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