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December 18, 2005The Complete List
More info on the death penalty. It has been brought to my attention by a comment posted that some countries werenīt identified by me as having the death penalty in my last entry and that was probably due to my being a member of the "liberal backpacker set" and because I either had too much or possessed a lack of "vitriol". The real reason is that all of us dirty, long-haired hippies (or "long hairs" as they are commonly referred to in certain circles) have bad memories (probably due to our chronic and heavy intake of marijuana, LSD and cocaine). I didnīt selectively "omit" the information, I was just too stoned at the time of typing to remember. Amnesty International Death Penalty Info The United States wants to be the model for other countries across the globe. We promote ourselves as the leaders of the free world. We have some work to do. From torturing "prisoners" in Iraq, Afghanistan and Guantanamo to Illegal Wiretaps to executing the mentally retarded, I think we have a long way to go until we can be seen as a "model" for others. I think this is a particularly envious list to be on -- And donīt worry, they only list Pakistan, Libya, Saudi Arabia and Sierra Leone before the USA because itīs alphabetical, not because they are better than us!!
GO MUGABE!!! Comments
Jagshemash. I was most pleased to see my home country included on the tourture list, Kazakhstan. We handle Uzbeky woman and children with Iron Fist. High Five! Jinqui Posted by: Borat on December 19, 2005 01:44 AMPost a comment
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