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December 08, 2005Bad Training...
There are loads of blind people, or at least "visually impaired" people here in Spain. I see them all the time. Well, in the last few weeks I have seen some sad little examples of what passes here for seeing eye dogs. Yesterday, I was on the metro. At one stop, a little old lady came on with her dog and was standing at the back of the car. Only problem was that the dog didnīt just sit down. He kept walking around to the people near him looking for affection. He (more likely, it was probably a SHE) actually sat down in front of other people and allowed them to pet them. The blind lady had to keep pulling him back to her. I was on the opposite end of the car, but it was hard not to laugh. I know...hell in a handbasket. A while back I was waiting for a train in the station. Here, there are little garbage cans mounted on the walls of the station that stick out maybe 12 inches or so. I was waiting and an old man comes walking in with his dog and is on the left side of the dog. They are walking on the left side of the station. The dog walks the poor old man right smack into the garbage can sticking out of the wall. Give the man credit though...he didnīt go down. He took that shot and just kept on moving...I figure with that dumb dog, heīs probably used to it. Comments
hola kevin, que tal al siempre? esta aqui mi zanahorias. el tiempo es muy corrente. Chao Posted by: Mr. Papa Georgio on December 9, 2005 04:00 PMPost a comment
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