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July 14, 2005Pamplona End Notes
They always say that you can get a good look at a T-Bone by sticking your head up a bulls ass, but wouldnīt you rather take the butchers word for it? To answer the question, no, I didnīt see Dennis Rodman. I heard right after the run that he was there and I am very disappointed. I would have loved to find him and the cameras so I could have been on TV. I guess you live and learn. My last day there ended quite nicely. I hung out with some random Spanish guys downing Sangria for a few hours, sat around with some Nigerian students and then "feel asleep" (some might say "passed out") in the park for a few hours. One problem. I "went to sleep" in the shade of a tree. I woke up in the blazing sun. Stupid Earthīs rotation! I had no sun tan lotion on. As a result, I received a ridiculous sun burn. I had sunglasses on, so I looked like a racoon. I had one arm over my head so my left underarm is savagely burned at the t-shirt line and the neck of my t-shirt must have been pulled up because from then on, you could see the mark on every other shirt I wore. Now, all this wouldnīt have been so bad except for the fact that I had a 5 hour bus ride in front of me, followed by an 8am flight to a god damn island that receives about 11 hours of sunshine for the next 6 days. I had the single most unusual looking tan lines in the Canary Islands, I guarantee it. Plus, I was so burned, I couldnīt really put too much sun screen on because of the pain. So, for 2 days I really had to limit my time in the sun. I know, what an ass... Comments
dude.glad to see you made it out alive,although the scorching you got might have have killed another man(namely me"seņor blanquito")its definitely not the worst thing that could have happened.keep kool and weīll meet agin.bren Posted by: brendan on July 17, 2005 11:14 AM |
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