February 25, 2005
Depression, Cracker Barrel, and Plan 9 From Outer Space.

Wow what a combination huh?
I'll begin with the 'Depression'....today was a tough day...got a little impatient over the whole trip thing...I am just ready to go.
It's all I think about (the trip) and I own every book, have been to every webpage and talked to all kinds of people who relate to the subject (RTW trips).
It makes it really hard when all I do is work and not do anything (need to save that money)...but I calmed down later after a nice 'Grandma's Sampler' at Cracker Barrel.
I go there all the time..no I really mean all the time...because I get a discount on food there (I waitress there on the weekends, been there for 2 years now). So I had 2 blueberry pancakes, 2 egss, 3 pieces of sausage, hashbrown casserole and then a nice piece of 'Coca Cola Cake', yeah so I probably gained 10 pounds, but it never really shows, I'm just lucky I guess.
After all that I went to the bookstore and looked at a couple of guidebooks, kinda gave me an idea on what to ask for for my birthday (March 5th!).
After Barnes and Noble I headed home and sat down at the computer with my brother where we proceeded to make various mean comments to people on the IMDB boards.
No we weren't bored...it's just a favorite pastime, you would be surprised at the lack of intelligence on those boards. We made fun of people who enjoyed the movie Soul Plane and of those who found Plan 9 From Outer Space to be educational
and inspirational.
What I Am Reading Now: Vagabonding by Rolf Potts
What I Am Listening To Now: Back In Black by ACDC
Current Savings For Trip: $3,800
Posted by Kailani on February 25, 2005 02:07 AM
Category: The Planning Phase
This is so cool! It's so great to meet someone my age that feels the same I do about traveling and being in one place too long doing BORING things. I'm at Auburn University in Alabama right now and am so SO Restless to just quit. I'm going to Africa in three months and sometimes I don't think I can wait.
Traveling the world, huh? Sounds familiar...
I just don't understand these girls that don't want to do anything. Just get married, have kids, retire, ya da ya da yada. There's so much out there to do!
Sorry, I know this is random, but it was just really great to find someone that obviously feels the same way I do about living life to the fullest. Well, there are many different ways to live life to the fullest I suppose, so I guess I'll say it's nice to find someone that wants to travel the world NOW. :)
THe URL is my photo album. I have some pictures of places I plan to go. Maybe it'll give you some ideas to visit on your trip too. :)
Mary Beth
This is so cool! It's so great to meet someone my age that feels the same I do about traveling and being in one place too long doing BORING things. I'm at Auburn University in Alabama right now and am so SO Restless to just quit. I'm going to Africa in three months and sometimes I don't think I can wait.
Traveling the world, huh? Sounds familiar...
I just don't understand these girls that don't want to do anything. Just get married, have kids, retire, ya da ya da yada. There's so much out there to do!
Sorry, I know this is random, but it was just really great to find someone that obviously feels the same way I do about living life to the fullest. Well, there are many different ways to live life to the fullest I suppose, so I guess I'll say it's nice to find someone that wants to travel the world NOW. :)
THe URL is my photo album. I have some pictures of places I plan to go. Maybe it'll give you some ideas to visit on your trip too. :)
Mary Beth
Dear Mary Beth,
Thanks so much for commenting and checkin' out my blog. I totally relate to you on everything you say, especially on the married,kids, retire subject, I was actually trying to explain that to someone today, a girl asked me why I wouldn't want to do that...I just told her that there is so much to see out there, so many other people to meet and so many chances waiting to be taken, why would I want to settle down and stay in one place my whole life. She still didn't understand...but I guess that everybodys different..except for a few of US!!! We are both a lot the same I realize after reading your post! I checked out your pictures, awesome by the way! (Your kitty Wild Pumpkin looks just like my kitty cat name Wenny!!!) You take wonderful pictures!!!
I saw the pictures of places that you wish to go, I also wish to visit Ireland someday, my ancestors are from there, I'd also love to visit Switzerland...beautiful mountains!
Also it is so awesome that you are involved with Americorps, I'd love to do that someday!!! Either that or the Peace Corps!
Whereabouts are you going in Africa??? You are so lucky you are going in 3 months...my trip is like 6 months away...but I guess that's good, maybe I can make enough money to make it last for a really long time!
Well it was great hearing from you!!! Thanks again for checking out my blog! You can e-mail me anytime at texan_girl13@hotmail.com or info@backpacktrack.com
Keep checking back for new entries, I'll try and update as much as possible to keep everyone interested.
Nice meeting someone who I can relate to,
heh the 85ers ye, i like how you mention your birthday like a day or two before your actual birthday in your blog ;).
well mine is a few days later, so we're pretty close in age.
do you really think you can take the 6 months till you want to move off?
i am planing to go in beginning/mid-june to bali, Lombok & co ->Kuala Lumpur -> Thailand -> Cambodia -> Tokyo, all in 3months. going with 2 mates, but it is so hard to finally convince them or to stop them whining all the time, back and forth crap, imagine we do not even have tickets yet. well that's life i suppose.
another friends brother lives a bit south of tokyo so we have an opportunity to crash there.
well i dunno why i just typed that but i suppose since i am at work and got nothing to do at 7:51am it is all fine.
ah back to the point, i am going in 3 months and i cant fuckin wait, i think about it everyday, browse webpages regarding backpacking everyday aso, slowly drives me crazy.
which european countries do you want to visit? prague and poland are cheap but especially germany and france aso are budget killers, though germany features a variety of youth hostels. if you were going earlier and to se asia first i would have said ok let's meet up, but no you want to go to europe first and in august, then well have fun seeing what i saw for so many years on and on again ;).
hell i really must be bored.
Hey Dennis!
yes 85ers are the greatest group of people alive! Towmorrow I will actually be 20, but it's so close that I just went ahead and said I was already...it's better than saying I'm 19, I'm tired of saying that ;)
About the 6 months, I know it's going to be damn hard, I am an extremely impatient person and waiting this long is gonna be tough...but I'll just try and keep myself busy. I work all the time and at the present time I am moving into a new house...ughhh...so I've been pretty busy, other than all that I just plan all the time...'cause it make me happy to think about the trip. :)
I spend a lot of time on Thorntree and time sorting out all the visa info I'm gonna need later on...and I read Erik's blog, too bad it is coming to an end :( he is a very interesting writer and takes great pictures, it's very inspiring.
Your trip sounds awesome, SE Asia is where it's at, I used to live there (in Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia and also a short time in Singpaore, my fathers job (engineering) took us there). It is an awesome place!!! Thailand is the best ( I went to Bangkok and Phuket, Bangkok is my favorite place in the whole world). I've also been to Indonesia (Bali and Tebedu). Kuala Lumpur is a nice city too, Malaysian people are very friendly.
It's cool you are going with your friends, that will be a lot of fun! I'm going alone but I'm very positive that I will meet up with tons of others along the way..hopefully! :) I'm going at it alone because then I have to freedom to go and do what I want. It's great you have friends over there to stay with, I have friends in Europe (Denmark, UK, Germany, Greece, Spain, and France) and I have a few in SE Asia and Australia, I hope to meet up with them all, catch up (they went to my school in SE Asia years ago).
You are so damn lucky you are going in 3 months!!!!!! I wish I was...but I guess the longer I wait the longer I get to stay gone and the more places I get to visit! :)
As far as Europe goes, I'm gonna try and not spend too much time in Western Europe as it is expensive, but since I friends there I want to..but I dunno. I really want to go to Netherlands (Amsterdam), France (Paris and Bordeaux), Spain (Madrid and Mallorca), Italy (Florence, Rome, Venice) Greece (Athens, Santorini, Ios), and as far as Eastern Europe goes Czech Republic (Prague), Poland ( Krakow (Auschwitz prison)), and I wouldn't mind paying a visit to Turkey (Istanbul). I am debating whether or not to visit the Baltic capitals like Riga, Tallinn and Vilnius, I've heard they are fairly cheap (cheaper than the west) and beautiful. It all depends on how funding is in the end. I will make my way to Russia from wherever I am in Europe, go to Moscow, St. Petersburg maybe) and take the Trans Siberian/Mongolian through Mongolia to Beijing, but I might get poin-to-point tickets to I can spend a little time in Mongolia. I'll make my way through China after that and over to Nepal, down through the Indian Sub-Continent, down to SE Asia over to Australia and NZ then back. Well that's my ideal itinerary so far, it will change I'm sure!
Well that was a long post I just wrote there, I need to put in a blog entry, it's hard to keep up with between moving and stuff.
Well! Thanks for checking out my blog! Keep in touch! Keep checking back here as it will get more intersting as time goes on (I hope!) :)