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August 27, 2005

Winding Down

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Dubrovnik, Croatia:

Since visiting Belgrade I have been to Sarajevo, Mostar and Dubrovnik, the three highlights of my trip through Eastern Europe/the Balkans and some of the top spots of the trip as a whole. I'm working on posts for all three but will not have any up for the next several days because (1) there is no way that I am going to spend a lot of time in a cafe writing about them when I could be lying on a beach in the old city of Dubrovnik and (2) I am taking a ferry to Bari, Italy tomorrow (Sunday) and will then rush to Perugia to sort out Italian classes and accomodation. Classes are supposed to begin on Thursday, September 1. All of this should keep me fairly busy for a while.

Once I post the last few back-entries from Italy (including at least a few about Israel, which I am definitely still planning to write about), I will have to reconsider this blog a little. Since I might be spending 2, 3, 4 months or more studying in Perugia, I don't think it will make sense to post an entry more than once a week or so. I'm thinking about starting an entirely new blog with a different angle to it (maybe even with pictures, finally) but I'm not sure yet. All I can say right now is that after visiting 20 countries in 11 months --- 9 of them in the last month --- I am very much looking forward to spending a long time getting to know and live in one place. The thought of having proper living accomodation, with a kitchen, a mailing address, a telephone line and maybe even consistent hot water, seems almost unbelievably luxurious to me. Yes, I could have all of these things back at home, but I'd like to learn some Italian; the only Italian words I ever learned while at work are probably not appropriate for use in most everyday situations.

(I shoud mention that I never received confirmation from the Universita per Stranieri di Perugia that they received my tuition fee and application, which I sent in July. My e-mails requesting clarification went unreturned. While I expect to be able to sort everything out upon reaching Perugia, there could be a problem. If that happens and I cannot study there, I will obviously need to form a new plan.)

Posted by Joshua on August 27, 2005 06:54 AM
Category: Temporary Update

Delayed my departure from Dubrovnik by a day (very worthwhile), then took the bus to Split on Monday and a 4 hour ferry with 300+ Italians to Ancona. Arrived in Perugia this afternoon. "I never received any confirmation of payment or receipt of my application" I told a woman at the Universita per Stranieri. "Sorry," she said, "but look --- you're here." Sure enough, nobody ever seems to receive any word from the UPS prior to the commencement of classes. My experience was the typical one and while the next few days should be crammed full of beaurocracy and standing in hour after hour of lines, things should work out fine. An apartment should cost 300 Euro per month at the most, which will save me tons, making up for all the seafood meals and all-nighters out in Croatia.

Posted by: Josh on August 30, 2005 06:29 PM
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