Friday, January 14, 2011
Home: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Weather: bloody cold but not windy. And again, it’s a dry cold.
It seems a little strange to me to see cats walking around outside when I’m visiting other places, because we don’t allow that here.
In Calgary, we’ve had our Cat Bylaw for a few years. No loose cats! You can own a cat but he stays indoors or goes out on a leash or supervised, not just wandering.
It sounds like that old Monty Python sketch about the Cat Detector Van, but it’s true.
No cats.
Oh, and we have no rats in Alberta.
But bats, so far, are allowed.
From Jennifer:
That is actually an excellent, excellent law. Feral cats and domestic cats allowed to wander at night are partially responsible for some problems with ground-nesting birds becoming endangered in warmer climates.