BootsnAll Travel Network

We are now in Mandelay Myanmar

Quick update from Myanmar, we are enjoying few easy days in Mandelay. We used the bikes to visit around town. Bikes are used by a lot of people and we feel pretty safe on the road. Internet access is limited and slow, so we will update the blog when we get back to Bangkok.


4 responses to “We are now in Mandelay Myanmar”

  1. Sylvain says:

    We are waiting for your new photos with anticipation

  2. Sylvie says:

    Salut les Poirier,

    J’espère que tout se déroule comme vous le souhaitez? On pense à vous autre bien souvent. Heidi je ne sais pas si tu as recu le message de Raphael pcq j’ai vu qu’André a changé de courriel. Je te l’envoie à nouveau avec qq autres nouveautés.

    Salut les amis et on vous embrasse

    Sylvie et ses hommes..

  3. Dorothy and Maurice says:

    Sure looking forward to hearing and seeing your latest adventures, and wondering what your next plans are. We at last have summer here and are enjoying it – quietly.
    Big, big hugs,

  4. Neil says:

    Good to hear that you are getting to places few Canadians do. Looking forward to photos
    Michael is trying to arrange at trip on the Trans siberian train to China then down to vietnam.

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