BootsnAll Travel Network

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Today is day 1, and it’s their independence day, everything is closed, except stores, so we went shopping. I bought nothing, because she took us to this mall that was all Dior and chanel, which is priced pretty much the same as us. I looked at these Prada sunglasses, and they were 1,500 pesos, or $500 . We leave at 4 am tonight to catch a plane to the Andes mts, where were staying at a vineyard. Should be interesting.
Buenos Aires, seriously, is like NY, just most is in Spanish, but a lot is in English too.

In the house  there is no internet, but im getting a connection in my room from somewhere. The room is nice, about as big as my old dorm. I live with an old couple, in their 80’s I think, and their white bishon, coco. He looks like a poodle to me. I live with another girl from the school, Rebecca.  It’s in the 50’s here, not bad. classes start next week. The couple we live with has a 19 year old grandson, and they’re trying to get us to meet him and his friends.

Not sure what were doing tonight, but since we have to be at the school at 3:45 am, it wont be sleeping.

Oh, and theres only one starbucks in all of buenos aires, and our teacher had us all meet there, and and this server there let us taste the house blend and gave us brownies, and then, my teacher asked for his number! this kid is 18, and shes like 50. thought it was funny, and she said no, she was just bring friendly, this is how they do things in argentina. yeah right. a number is a number. oh and when we all said hi we wernt doing the propper thing and kissing, so he was like ” i will show you” and kissed the teacher. maybe he did like her. hm.


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