Sand and Tsunamis Travels between Saudi Arabia and Japan |
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* It Came, It Blew, It Went Away...All Clear, All is Shipshape
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August 25, 2005Typhoon...
We have Typhoon Mawar approaching. It doesn't look quite as bad as some of the hurricanes that swept through FL last year, but it was serious enough to warrant Melody's ship (and most of the others) to head back out to sea to ride it out. So, after a couple of days home, she had to go out again. Hopefully she'll be back before the weekend, but we'll see. It makes landfall sometime today, right around where we live, and the surf was definitely up this morning on the way into work. Some of the waves looked like they were 8-10 ft high. I can always tell when the surfing is good, because the 7-11 parking lot is filled with cars. And that at about 5:30 AM. If anyone thinks that surfers are just a bunch of slackers, they're mistaken. I see them out before almost anyone else in the morning. The only guy there before them is the paper guy riding around on his scooter. We should be in the clear by tomorrow afternoon, but I'll keep you posted. If you want to see some pictures of the new nephew, my brother-in-law's brother's website has some good ones...check it out at Comments
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