BootsnAll Travel Network

Dead Hard Drive

Sorry for the long absence from blogging.  Alas, our computer hard drive died, thus ending our home access to the internet.  We are working on the problem, but in the meantime, here are some events that have occurred since our last post:

-We rode our bikes to from Biakpa to Amedzofe, the highest (in altitude) village in Ghana;
-We started taking brush-up classes in French;
-Giselle got a job thanks to said classes;
-Dan replaced the check spring on the sewing machine;
-We made bagels;
-We visited Axim (nice beach) in the Western Region of Ghana;
-We participated in a 40-mile/40-km walk-run to celebrate an acquaintance’s 40th birthday;
-We attended a concert by amateur singers and musicians, known collectively as Accragio;
-We went to a Ghanaian Scrabble tournament and met people who competed in the World Scrabble Championship.

We’ll elaborate on the above (hopefully with a few photos) when the hard drive is replaced.  When will that be?  Great question.


3 Responses to “Dead Hard Drive”

  1. Jules Says:

    Weclome “back” !!!
    So….which is harder – to walk 40 miles or to run 40 miles?

  2. Posted from United States United States
  3. Brian Says:


  4. Giselle Says:

    Jules, we neither walked nor ran 40 miles, but I imagine running would be harder. (We walked a shorter distance. Stay tuned for a blog entry about it.)

    Brian, I’d be happy to share the bagel recipe with you!