
Recent Entries

January 12, 2006

A recent diversion

I've just been interviewed by Polish PIK Radio (along with another TEFL teacher) to comment about life here, and we were interviewed by a lovely Polish journalist - I don't normally put 'lovely' and 'journalist' together, but she had a certain charm, and I hope our comments about Poland aren't butchered, re-ordered in a sensational way, or taken out of context. I have a feeling they won't be.

My experience of journalists up to now is that even ones working for reputable newspapers are best avoided. I have commented on BNA that I was once interviewed by a Prague journalist, and she misquoted me so that when her 'portrait' of me appeared in a magazine read all over the Czech Republic, it maintained that I had once manufactured designer narcotics. Luckily, it was evident from the rest of the portrait that this could not be true, but it made me angry at the time, and I was on the verge of sueing her to the hills with an army of lawyers that I could not afford, but she apologised and said it was all a misunderstanding; I suppose something may have been lost (or added!) in the translation.
This journalist from Polish radio was altogether a diffferent proposition. For a start she wasn't asking about me and my colleague; more about what we thought of Poland, and we were pretty positive on the whole.
The only other time I have appeared on Polish radio, incidentally, was when I was asked to do the reading of an English dictation. It was hilarious, because not only were the texts totally unsuitable for a dictation in English, but also, as I paused between sentences they filled it in with music that sounded as if it had come off Blackpool pier - a sort of upbeat Wurlizer. You can imagine the sort of thing:
ME: (dictating) " Hieroglyphically speaking, the depicted asteroids in the stones of Ancient Egypt.....
MUSIC; blinkety blonkety blunkety plink plank ponk paaah
ME:...... 'are, regeneratively speaking, appropriate only in mosque systems....'
MUSIC: Plonk plnkety blinkety dum de dum dum dah dah dah
ME: ....found in the Furthest nexus of crucial spatial projects near the hamburger joints...
MUSIC: Bling Blong Blang, plintkety plonkety dah dum de dum
ME:.... in The South East Urals.
MUSIC: Googly woogly oogly bum de bum dum de plintkety.
Talk about having the show stolen.
No journalist has ever approached me in Greece, thank goodness, but then why would they? I am not famous, I am not an expert, and I am not even as well-known as my namesake who acts in rather bad movies (and anyway, his real name is Daniel White).

Posted by Daniel V on January 12, 2006 01:39 PM
Category: while waiting for my return: Poland
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