Three Faces, Three Graces, Three Greeces An island, a small town, and a big city in Greece |
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* Looking at the novel, pt.2
* Looking at the novel... * A note * An apology; a wedding * A word about water * The Meltemi, part four * The meltemi, part three * The meltemi, part Two * The meltemi, part one * Andros arrival 2005 * Rafina hotels * About what's happening now * Mad Teacher, Part three * A word about the London bombs * Mad Teacher, part two * The Story of the mad teacher, Part One * A diversion into books * The Crown Prince of Macedonia * The Albanians on Andros * A Tale of two airports, a coach, and security officials
October 07, 2005Looking at the novel...
On my return to Poland, I'm in quite a reflective mood, which usually is a good sign as far as my creativity is concerned. One of the minor themes of my novel is the old one of what it is to belong to an island rather than a landmass, and whether there is such a thing as island mentality. But maybe that's simplifying things far too much, and I had a very interesting discussion with one of the Ukranian waitresses working in Gavrion on Andros about this thing. She, of course, comes from a large country which is geographically if not politically part of an even vaster landmass that stretches from The Black Sea, past the Urals and out to Eastern Siberia. Andros must seem rather small to her, but, as far as she is concerned, it's small and perfectly-formed, and - well, a little weird. This is of course a cultural thing, also - Greece and the Ukraine couldn't be further apart in many ways even if they tried not to be. Not surprisingly, she wouldn't tell me what she found weird, she just mentioned 'island mentality'. Comments
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