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February 08, 2004

The TV Programs We Export

Ever wonder why we Americans have such bad reps around the world?

Well, it could be many of are ignorant as hell and feel the need to police the planet, but what I saw the other day sure didn't help. As I was sitting on a ferry from Klang to Crab Island, professional wrestling was on. Nothing like a dose of WW"E" to promote your culture.

Kathy and I are both occassional watchers of WWE. When I lived with Steph, we would watch Smackdown with her Rock doll sitting shotgun on the couch. There was no question it was fake and the retarded antics were exactly what we needed before going out for beer and wings at Rogo's.

However, when played for a Malaysian audience, Kathy and I wanted to jump up and scream "this is not what Americans are like!!!" Let's see, what happened:

Stephanie McMahon who used to come out to the chant of "SLUT, SLUT, SLUT"
is now being cheered in a positive way on as her jacked up, diesel, 'roid taking father Vince McMahon beats the everliving crap out of her. Vince looks like the Hulk now. What's up with that? Then to confuse matters even more, Momma McMahon is now involved as well. She got body slammed by Vince while trying to defend Stephanie as the general manager of Smackdown! To top it off, Stephanie has so much cosmetic work and body work she doesn't even look like the same person. Have the McMahons run out of wrestlers? Bring back The Rock and Chyna!!! The Undertaker was still there, as was Kurt Angle, but all the other characters sucked.

So, it's no wonder we have a bad image when this is what other countries see of our culture!! WWE can be really funny, but when taken out of context, I can see how negatively "family life" can be portrayed.

Posted by Claudia on February 8, 2004 09:41 AM
Category: Malaysia

Hi there
In trying to beat the Mumbai traffic, I landed at the domestic airport, on the way back home, an hour prior to reporting time. But, guess wot... I got the book Holy cow, finally finally. Then the flight was slightly delayed, lots of old ladies gave me approving looks on seeing the cover, which has the god shiva on it. Till I started chuckling aloud. Well, the old lady sitting demurly next to me walked off in a huff. Now my friend who has come from Mumbai has whacked the copy, guess it will do the rounds of the entire office, I doubt that I will get it back. Nice book, thanks for recommending it!

Posted by: Dusty on February 8, 2004 10:35 AM


Glad you liked it. I found it just hysterical. :)

Posted by: Claudia on February 9, 2004 01:51 AM

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