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January 09, 2004

Anyone seen my sister???


Sorry Mom, had to write it. Vanessa is here safe and sound. She rolled in last night around 12:30, right on time. We stayed up whispering in the dark for hours.

We both seem to have the same draw for mosquitos and they feasted on us big time. I slathered myself in DEET, but they got the 1 cm on my foot that I missed and bit 6 times, the bastards.

Today, we spent the day today seeing Wat Po and also revisiting Jim Thompson's house. I will upload pictures from my new snazzy dig cam soon.

Vanessa is really jetlagged so we'll have a laid back night of drooling at Viggo Mortensen (Aragorn) while we watch a pirated Return of the King and drink Long Island wine.

Another record moment in Mayer history... Vanessa and I will BOTH don bikinis and go swimming. I know, insanity. Wait till we get to the beach.

Rock on.

Mom, call Joey and tell him to email V.

Posted by Claudia on January 9, 2004 07:13 AM
Category: Thailand

Skeeters, I feel your pain. I swear to God I would lather head to toe with OFF bug spray while in Costa Rica and I'd still manage to find several more spots where they dined. I should have invested in DEET...I think the CR skeeters drank OFF for breakfast.

Have fun with your sister. Oh, and when you get back we have to talk cameras...mine sucks and Greg wants a really good one.

Posted by: Dione on January 9, 2004 08:48 AM

Have fun with your sister in Thailand. I have still been thoroughly enjoying your blog and am glad to hear that things are still going well. Right now, I am almost internetless (Dial up with only 14 hours a month *tear*) I've barely been able to check out the usual haunts. Oh well, I will be leaving on my trip in 2 months and 3 weeks! April and May is Malaysia and Thailand, then off to Australia for 4 months. What are you Australia plans?

Posted by: Dewbie on January 9, 2004 02:36 PM

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