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December 22, 2003I shouldn't mention this,
but what the hell. I just finished reading a pretty freaky book called Off the Rails in Phnom Penh: Into the Dark of Heart of Guns, Girls & Ganja. This Israel-born American guy, Amit Gilboa, used to live in Vietnam and do loads of "visa runs" to Phnom Penh, and he got to know a lot of the expat crowd there. He published the book in 98 or 99, and a lot of things have changed, but here's a couple of factoids for you: I won't even go into the prostitutes, or how you could shoot off military rocket launchers for $35 a go. Cambodia has some beautiful temples, but there's a lot of messed up stuff here too. Some improvement since the book's publication, but still, a lot of messed up stuff. Comments