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November 04, 2003The Coolest Silk Shop in Maha: Suba Silk House
Claudia and I have alluded to this a bit here and there, both on the blog and on our various posts on the BootsnAll message boards, but the silk shop she gots some shirts from deserves a wee plug. As many annoying touts and lying merchants as there are in India, the honest ones should get some attention, after all! Suba Silk House is the place. The owner is Mr. S. Sekar, and his son, Vivek, is a fashion design student at the uni in Chennai. They are courteous and bloody nice; we just sat around chatting with them for a while, as Claudia looked through the racks. They offered fair prices, and Claudia got some good-quality shirts. The two of them are some of the most genuinely friendly people we've met so far, and on top of that they run a good shop. Here's their details: SUBA SILK HOUSE Phone: 242 025 Enjoy. Comments
You'll be getting the cold shoulder, er, hand from me and mine. No amount of purell would do for me. Or is it poo-el. Yuck, yuck. Hey kid! Yr mom stopped into Williams-Sonoma last night...hooked me up w/ your website/blog...good to be able to live vicariously through someone! Be safe and boo to the St. of Calcutta. Posted by: ObscureB on November 6, 2003 11:21 AMHey there Big B!!! Thanks for checking my stuff out. How are thing with you?? How is V?? Posted by: Claudia on November 7, 2003 01:55 AMMom, Yeah, pooell is right. Ick. Still no word from Suzie on the Atti bun and I don't think Nicole has moved in yet to her place. ;) I hear there is a pool for who can guess closest to the date..... Posted by: Claudia on November 7, 2003 02:02 AMHello Ant!!! How are you doing? I just realized that we are on the same side of the world. I'm studying here in Chiang Mai. When are you coming to Thailand? That's funny, as I'm actually planning on going to India quite soon, after I finish my finals. I had no idea you were over here. Let me know what's going on. Posted by: Tiffany on November 15, 2003 01:12 AM |