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November 02, 2003Ant's Gone LOCAL!!!
Or maybe "loco." Being a westerner in India, my bathroom habits are somewhat different than the local Indian. I use toilet paper and not my left hand. It's a habit and custom I like to keep for myself. Some people say tomayto, some say toMAAAAto. So when at breakfast when I had to hit the toilet and I asked Ant if there was TP (a silly question really) he replied no. "So then what did you use?" I asked, knowing what his business was while in the toilet. "My left hand, what else??" replied Anthony. "Pass the hand sanitizer." WHAT THE FUNK????? He did not, he couldn't have. He's pulling my leg. But no, it was true. He had wiped his ass clean with his left hand. He then proceeded to desanitize it at the table and then tease me all day by handing me things with his left hand. Such is the torture I have to endure to travel with Anthony. Comments
That is amount of hand sanitizer would ever be enough when in Rome..... Ha! Awesome. I mean, kinda icky, but very Ant-like awesome :-) Posted by: Christina (Ant's buddy in Oregon) on November 3, 2003 03:17 AMHere it Bali water's the way to go. 'Better to wash it out than wipe it in' as they say.' C'mon PhotoChik, if you you can wipe it here, you can wipe it anywhere. Posted by: Nick on November 3, 2003 09:27 AMNick, I don't know dude. You don't have to ask him to pass the salt right after!!! Maybe I'll try it when my next roll of TP runs out. Posted by: Claudia on November 3, 2003 11:11 AMJust remember who kills the cockroaches for ya, babe ;-) Posted by: Ant on November 3, 2003 12:36 PMHahahahahaha......I am laughing my ass off here...... PC, Ant's not the only one you know.....people ALL over India use their hands..... ....say have you tried EATING the hand cooked dosas...:-)) Posted by: holythunder on November 4, 2003 05:27 PMHolythunder, I know all Indians use their left hand, but I'm used to my man without poo under the nails of his left hand. BLEH. Posted by: Claudia on November 5, 2003 03:55 AMI can see now why the custom is to eat with your RIGHT hand. Di Posted by: Dione on November 11, 2003 12:04 PMThis post keeps getting people's comments, and I keep resisting, but man, I'm stunned... Thought I knew Ant 'pretty' well [or do I?!], and 'when in Rome' and all, but sheesh... I'm with Claudia on this. No, no, no, no, NO... When in Bali perhaps I'd go the water, but not 'the left hand'... I trust you at least took the 'wedding band' off first? I'd really be concerned about getting Dehli Belly now... Blaaaaaaaargh... Posted by: Ging on November 11, 2003 09:03 PMWell, he's not been sick once, so I can't say the left hand incident was that unhygenic. :) It was just a bit shocking and disturbing at the time. Posted by: Claudia on November 13, 2003 08:32 AMIt leaves you feeling quite clean though, I must say. And as long as you give your hand a good washing after, you're fine. Funny the reaction to this... I can't tell how much is because of the taboo (touching poo) and how much is shock since I'm such a priss ;-) Posted by: Ant on November 13, 2003 08:36 AMYes, well there is the priss factor, which is why Christina's 'very Ant-like' comment surprised me, but it's probably more of the fundamental touching poo taboo... Hell, I don't even 'do' poo jokes... I'm a mega priss when it comes to the, erm, 'back door'... Odd, seeing as I'm as gobby as f*ck about just about any other bodily function/part of the anatomy, but bottoms, poo, I'm living in denial!!! I know we 'all' do 'number 2s', but I don't talk about it and I certainly don't cleanse 'sans paper' [commando?] and tell everyone about it!!! Having said that, in a reasonably twisted way, I'm quite 'proud' of you, Ant, for, erm, embracing the culture w, albeit, one hand, though more 'disturbed' as Claudia says, 'cos you sound like you're kinda warming to the idea! Don't make it a habit you can't kick when you return to the US!!! Suffice to say if I meet you guys in Thailand/Cambodia, I'll be hugging 'loosely', handling my own food/bev and monitoring you carefully on your return from the Gents... Keep up the great blogging though - who uses the keyboard after you, Ant? ;-) Posted by: Ging on November 13, 2003 11:38 PMDon't you worry Gingi, from first hug I'll be clapping you on the back with my left hand! Actually, I'm a much bigger fan of the places we stayed in while in the south, especially Kerala. The loos came with these little spray nozzles/hoses affixed next to the toilet - think the hoses that come with the kitchen sink. Perfect for "hosing off" ;-) Who uses keyboard after me? I pity the poor soul - though not for my sanitized left hand, and more for the damage my typing does to the keyboard! Posted by: Ant on November 14, 2003 08:02 AMSounds like the back slapping hug may happen in Cambodia??? Kewlio! Hosing off - that works... Has the 104wpm not be slowed down by the, er, 'slime'/lack of friction???!!! he he he! Posted by: Ging on November 16, 2003 09:15 PM |