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October 14, 2003

Calcutta Madness


We arrived in Calcutta this morning after a long-ish train ride from Varanasi. People are just everywhere. We attempted to go find a place to eat and between the heat and the hunger, Ant and I almost killed each other. We found some place with aircon and chilled out. After a long nap and some TV (I take full advantage of TV whenever I can) we were in much better spirits.

Then came the massive cockroach.

I made Ant kill it even though I was just as capable. We had just visited the Indian Museum (which had a weird mix of random exhibits) and this insect put some of their specimens to shame. I've dealt with mosquitos, midgies, dung beetles, fleas, bedbugs, locusts (ate 'em BBQ style in China), massive grasshoppers, etc, but nothing was a gross as the slime that came out of this cockroach. It also just HAD to be in the shower.... ick.

Tomorrow Ant is going to attempt to find us a new place while I sit around and soak in a bit more boob tube. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..........

Posted by Claudia on October 14, 2003 11:04 AM
Category: India

How is the cough now? hope you are feeling a lot better. cya and ant soon

Posted by: Dusty on October 14, 2003 12:40 PM

It is nice to see that some things never change-> you still love to watch tv. haha.

We have digital cable now... I LOVE it.. you can watch one thing and scroll through looking for something else.. you can even REMIND yourself that you wanted to watch a specific show.. right!

And we have a wireless network running through the house...two laptops (I got a new one) can be on line at the same time.. ain't technology grand.

Oh, the 2nd half of the basement is now being taped and spackled..we paid someone to do it. Getting ready for the Christmas party... this year's theme is already worked out...but it is a secret. Are you still heading to Bali for Christmas?

Posted by: Stephanie on October 14, 2003 02:41 PM

Nasty cockroaches! The things that nightmares are made of.

Posted by: socalgirl on October 14, 2003 06:51 PM

"I step on something. Feel like I step on fortune cookie..."

Posted by: Short Round on October 15, 2003 12:28 PM

mmmm gooby cockroaches :)

So how are you feeling now Claudia? I hope everything is clearing up (including the boogers hehe) I will send you some happy, healing, get better thoughts ;)

Posted by: Dewbie on October 15, 2003 01:01 PM

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