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September 13, 2003Delhi
I have arrived, and I am about to melt. It is about 1pm here in Delhi and I'm in a small internet shop, with a fan blowing on me, and I'm ROASTING. I guess I'll get used to it!! This place is very similar to Cairo, with one exception. I expected to have "hello lady" and "taxi madam?" at every other step, but so far, I haven't had one offer for a rickshaw or a taxi, and only one general hello. Granted, I was only out on the street for 10 minutes, but still. :) Not much to report yet except that I saw my first "holy cows" last night in my cab ride to the hotel. Pretty scrawny guys as well. Even if they did eat beef, there wouldn't be much meat to eat. Oh, and the honking, OH the honking. Honk if you are passing, honk if you thinking about passing, honk if you see a cow on the road, honk if you want someone to hurry up, etc. They must go through horns like mad around here. Mom, I will call you shortly, and maybe by the time you read this, I already will have. Quit worrying. Comments
Hey, CALL ME, CALL ME.... ASAP. Hope you have my phone nos with you. speak to you soon. Hey Dusty, I will call soon. I am figuring out train arrangements to come down there on 10/20. Been shopping, I now own 2 salwar kameez' that are WAY too big and more people whistle at me since I've been wearing them than my regualr clothes!!! |