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Continue Blogging? In My Own Bed Pray For It Seattle and Interesting Uses of Pyrex Heading to Seattle Weekend Out of Hippyville New Photos!!! Better Moods The $330 Trip to the Oregon Country Fair July 4th, 2004 More Books I've Read Why Are These People Talking to Me? Two Wheelin' Culture Shock There And Back Again More Pampering Freaky Meetings I Wanted To End It All Summing Up the Gobi
August 25, 2003Wet and windy AGAIN
Wow, it's amazing how cut off I felt after 4 days of no internet. I feel like some sort of junkie. I need my FIX! Anyway, much has been going on. I went from the Isle of Lewis (all wet and a huge peat bog) to the Isle of Harris where is was wet and WINDY. Needless to say, I wasn't diggin the Outer Hebrides. On a good note, I did meet some interesting people. There was Helen and Geoff, the English triathletes who had just come back from 5 days of sailing with their friends. We had a game of Scrabble that humbled me. They made this nifty concoction of unsweetened semolina pudding that had chunks of peach in it. Very good! The following day, I decided to visit St. Clement's Church in Rodel. I was the only person on the bus so I chatted away with the driver. When we got to the church, he said it it was locked, the key was under the rock. Um, ok. I walk up to the church, it's locked, and there is said rock. I look under and there is one of those massive old school keys that must have been 3 inches long. I go in, and its very creepy and dark. I shoot some photos and then meet the bus driver back. He and now the other local (toothless Esther) suggest I take a walk along the water from beach to beach. It seemed like a good idea at the time, but then that EVIL wind kicked up and I wanted to shoot myself. With that, I decided no more Outer Hebrides. I'm going to what I know, Skye. Comments