BootsnAll Travel Network

North Shore….suicide for me fun for Brian and david

bild-013.jpgHallo Leute,

hier nen paar Bilder von unserem Tripp an die North Shore an einem etwas größeren Tag! Brian und David hatten ne Menge Spass, für mich wars das sicherste mir den Wahsinn vom Strand anzugucken! Aber wie gesagt die beiden hatten Spass haben zwar in 2 Stunden nur ne handvoll Wellen gekriegt, die hatten es aber in sich. Ich war froh das ich mir das vom Strand angeguckt habe als der Typ mit dem total zerborstenen Brett an mir vorbei lief. Aber was soll ich sagen das nur mal zu sehen war der Wahnsinn. Und es geht noch wesentlich größer!!! Danach brauchten wir erstmal nen Haupia pie. Besteht zu 80 Prozent aus Zucker and cream und die restlichen 20% wer weiß……, aber das Zeug gibt dir was du brauchst nach so nem surf und schmeckt verdammt gut. Viel Spass mit den Fotos und seit froh das ihr da nicht am Strand in der Sonne warten musstet…….

 Hey guys,

 here the Pic`s of our trip to the North Shore on a day where it was a little bit bigger. Brian and David had lots of fun, for me it was absoluteley more secure to watch that crazy shit from the secure beach. Brian and David only catched a couple of waves in 2 hours, but that waves were awsome and as i said i could see it in there face that they were happy and that there was lots of adrenaline involved. Just seeing that huges waves was awsome and the guys told me that this was one of the really smaler of the big days, so i am excited to see North Shore at a really big day, maybe when famous waimea bay is breaking. Afterwords we all needed i Haupia pie to recover, it is made of 80% sugar and cream and the other 20% who knows…… but that is what you need after such a day, and it really tasts awsome. As you can see on the pictures david did a unbelieveable balancing job with that Haupia pie on that small fork, but was his own car…..! So guys enjoy the fotos and be glad that you where not there and had to wait in the beautyfull sun at that beautyfull beach……


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