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August 09, 2005

The End of the Road

Now that I'm settled in LA, with a car and an apartment and work lined up, it seems like an appropriate time for my last travelblog entry. It's hard to sum up a trip like this, to encapsulate an experience of a lifetime in a few short lines. The question I've been asked the most--"What was your favorite place?"--is impossible to answer. There were things I loved about most of the places I went. Overall, I'd say I liked South America more than India and SE Asia. I enjoyed traveling alone but don't feel a burning need to do it again. I'm so glad I took this trip, but don't think there will be another one like it for a long time, if ever. But this trip showed me that I can do anything I set my mind to. And that even though it's so easy to get sucked right back in to believing all the messages telling us that we're all stuck in our unhappy lives without any choices, and buying into what American society tells me is the right way to live...I'm going to resist that with my whole being. I'm going to live life on my own terms. And that's something I hope every one I know or who has read this will strive for in their own way.

Continue reading "The End of the Road"

Posted by Amy at 09:37 AM
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July 13, 2005

Insights from a Fellow Traveler

At some point while I was in Laos or Thailand I probably mentioned Trevor, an American guy I first met in Hanoi and kept running into throughout Vietnam, Laos, and Thailand. He kept a travelblog, too, and his entries are more frequent, and sometimes more detailed, than mine, so you might want to check 'em out. I'm mentioned in some of the Lao (Vang Vieng, Luang Prabang, and Nong Khiaw) and Thai (Chiang Mai) entries!

Posted by Amy at 11:18 AM
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June 28, 2005

Change Is in the Air

On Sunday, I'm flying to Los Angeles--it's hard to believe it's finally time! I'm enjoying the remaining time with family in NJ, but unfortunately there won't be a trip out to the Minnesota reunion this week as originally planned.

It's daunting to think of all the things on my To Do list for the next few months, but I'm gearing up for it. The prospect of living out of a bag for two more months is none too exciting, but I'll get through it.

Lots of good and exciting things are afoot--time with my boyfriend and dear friends in California, a new city to explore, a new blog to begin, a new business to set up, a new work website to develop...stay tuned!

Posted by Amy at 03:57 PM
View/Add Comments (1) | Category: Post-Trip Thoughts

June 17, 2005

England Pix

I've finally organized the first half of my England pictures. Ironically, it's almost more difficult to upload pictures here in the States than it was abroad. The rest will be online sometime soon, hopefully within the next month!

Posted by Amy at 01:57 PM
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June 13, 2005

On the Move, Again

I'm currently visiting college friends in Maine--it's nice to have a change of scenery, after spending a few weeks at home in New Jersey, and it's great to catch up with people. My time at home's been good, but difficult sometimes. It's hard to relax when I have all these things to do--find a place to live, buy a car, get started on my freelancing business--but most of it can't be done until I'm actually in California. Much of my life is on hold, still, which is hard since in many ways I'm already "back."

Continue reading "On the Move, Again"

Posted by Amy at 10:28 AM
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May 28, 2005

I'm Stateside!

Just a quickie to assure you all I made it home safely. I actually felt a little apprehensive getting off the plane, worried about the same things as when I have arrived in any foreign land--do I have any local money? Will they accept my large bill for something small? Will people understand me? Where will I find a phone to make a call? It all went okay, of course, and it was great to see Mom and Dad, catch up a little bit, and collapse into bed at 6 am London time! I had strange dreams last night, then woke up with kind of a start, but smiled to myself, amazed that I was actually sleeping in my old bed again. It definitely hasn't sunk in that I'm back for good this time, and am not leaving again in a few weeks. But I'm looking forward to the next couple months of slow re-entry and time with friends and family. More soon on the rest of my time in London, which was great.

Posted by Amy at 08:32 AM
View/Add Comments (4) | Category: Post-Trip Thoughts

May 25, 2005

Swingin' London

England is great, by the way. I'm having a great time exploring London and environs, and finding places I've always heard about around every corner. Enjoying the history and culture, and meeting up with travel friends from far and wide. More later on everything I've been up to, plus pictures, of course. It is insanely expensive here, though, and I'm actually looking forward to the States because it's cheaper than here! I'm in Oxford right now, staying with friends I met in Vietnam. It's so nice to have a local to show you around, and also to stay in someone's home instead of a hostel/hotel/guesthouse--what a difference it makes! Only two nights left on the road--can it really be so?

Posted by Amy at 04:04 PM
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May 23, 2005

More Thailand Photos

The last of the Thailand photos are up--the rest of Chiang Mai, plus Bangkok and the beach. The new ones start on page 9.

Posted by Amy at 01:42 PM
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May 17, 2005

Last Night...

And the countdowns begin yet again (see my pre-departure entry), but in reverse--what a strange feeling. Here it is my last night in Bangkok, in Thailand, in Southeast Asia! After three months in the region, it feels pretty weird to be leaving. But, I'm feeling ready. I'm looking forward to being surrounded by people who speak my language, not encountering squat toilets around every corner, and getting rid of the nasty prickly heat rash this weather is giving me! I bought a London guidebook today--one of the fancy ones with the glossy pages and lots and lots of pictures--and I'm getting really excited about my time there. And yet it'll be so brief--10 days from now, I'll be sleeping in my old bed at Mom and Dad's house in New Jersey! Trippy.

Posted by Amy at 07:16 AM
View/Add Comments (3) | Category: Thailand

May 16, 2005

Thailand Photos, Part II

Most of the photos from Chiang Mai are up here. Sorry, the rest'll have to wait, probably until I get home!

Posted by Amy at 07:54 PM
View/Add Comments (1) | Category: Thailand
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