Mel Cries at the Zoo…well, almost…
I realize that as an animal lover, I’m supposed to be anti-zoo. But I’m not afraid to admit it: I normally really, really like them.
The Buenos Aires Zoo, located in the heart of the city in Palermo is just a 10 minute walk from our condo. The zoo was built in the late 1800’s, back when zoos were purely for entertainment purposes, as opposed to their purported current goals of research, education and breeding.
Walking through the gates, I’m initially impressed with the line-up of animals – 89 breeds, 350 animals, including elephants, lions, monkeys, zebras, a giraffe and a polar bear. The sounds of the city are just mere feet away and many of the area condos have views directly into the zoo. Wonder how much that adds to property value?
Like in zoos all over the world, random local animals have decided to make their home at the zoo. But rather than pigeons, racoons and Canada geese, I am surrounded by beaver-like and tiny deer-like critters I can’t identify. Random giant birds are walking about everywhere. I’m quite excited.
So there I am, snapping pics, when I start to realize that the caged animals don’t look particularly happy. OK, I always find elephants look sad, but it seems that at the BA Zoo, many of the animals are despondent, their little faces staring out at me with sheer desperation. Many of them are pacing back and forth. I find myself hoping that it’s feeding time – that must be the explanation for all this anxiety.
The BA zoo has done their best to replicate original habitats for the animals – but they are extremely limited by space. 20 baboons live in a smallish cage. Monkeys are kept on a man-made island surrounded by water so that they don’t escape. Cool birds (yep, I still love them) are kept in cages no bigger than you’d see at a pet store.
All in all, a heartbreaking day. Though I suppose it could have been worse – apparently a zoo outside the city sedates the lions so that you can have your picture taken with them…
Tags: Argentina, Travel