Sao Paulo (again!!!)
De vuelta a sao Paulo, de vuelta a Buenos Aires, volamos desde Salvador de Bahia. Aqui visitamos el segundo edificio mas alto de Sao Paulo, El edificio Italia 168 m de alto donde se puede ver los miles de rascacielos de esta ciudad, espero que el Amazonas no lo dejen asi…puf!
Eng: Back in Sao Paulo, making our way south towards Buenos Aires. We flew here from Salvador. We hit the 2nd tallest building in Sao Paulo, at 168m is the Edificio Italia, for some amazing views of this concrete jungle, its skyscrapers as far as the eye can see!!!!
Este es el Edificio Italia, donde se puede subir gratis (antes de las 4), en frente el edificio Copan, otro monstruo .. veis el hombre el la azotea?? Esta en el libro Guinness de los records como el edificio que mas gente vive, hasta tiene su propio codigo postal.
Eng: The iconic 60’s Edificio Italia, and right accross the way, the Copan Building, another impressive chunk of concrete! Which is apparrently listed in the Guinness Book of World Records as the largest structure built in Brazil, and due to the large number of residents even has its own unique postcode!!!
Otra de las casualidades mas agradables de este viaje fue quedar con Eric, amigo de Dublin, quien iba a pasar unas vakatas en Brasil..estuvimos contemplando Sao Paulo desde las alturas y viendo exposiciones..
Eng: Whilst in Sao Paulo, we met up with Eric, a friend from Dublin, who was on holidays in Brazil for a few weeks. Kinda funny meeting up with floks from back in Dublin!!!
Durante nuestra estancia en SP , se celebraba el centenario de el Brasileño Santos Dumont, el primer vuelo con el Bis 14, el primer aparato que se levantaba del suelo una ruta de 220 m y 2 m del suelo, delane de gente y con especialistas tecnicos, considerado el padre de la aviacion , que muchos creen que fueron los hermanos Wright que volaron en 1903 , pero en privado.(damos las gracias a ambos por este viaje, para ellos era importante que el hombre viajara para el intercambio de culturas..)
Eng: While we were in Sao Paulo it was centenary of Brazilian Santos Dumont’s first civil flight, on the 23rd October in 1906 in Paris, where he flew the plane below, “Bis-14”, over a pre-established route of 220m at 2m above the ground, in front of a crowd containing specialist technical supervisors. In Brazil, he is considered as the father of aviation, opposing the Wright Brothers who’s claim over the 1st manned flight in 1903, which took place in private, however.
Algunas fotos chulas de SP, el ultimo dia… 🙁 que pena , Foto del edificio de la Gazeta. SP nos gusto . Solo en la Av paulista hay muchas salas de cine, restaurantes, bares de marcha.. hasta una universidad , parques preciosos, y exposiciones como la de la foto de la derecha , Esta se llamaba “Voce esta aqui ” sobre la ciudad vista a ” vista de pajaro” como le hubiera gustado verla a Santos Dumont.
Eng: Some more cool pics of Sao Paulo, all along the skyline there are many communications towers, here’s the tower of the Gazetta building illuminated at night, and reflected in a building accross the street, excellent pic! And Quene sitting on top of Sao Paulo at a photograph exhibition.
Como ya sabeis , en vez de volver a Europa nos hemos vuelto para Buenos Aires y probar suerte, trabajando con todo el material que tenemos hasta ahora y o lo que sea..aqui empieza la primavera. Fuimos en bus para economizar , 30 horas en un bus argentino (que son los mejores y mas comodos del mundo!!!) Asi que el siguiente post sera desde Buenos Aires… Sera el ultimo?? , eso depende de vosotros.. jejejeje , todavia os podemos enseñar muchas cosas de Buenos Aires.
Well, as you’re aware by now, we’ve decided to head back to Buenos Aires, and try our luck, working in whatever comes our way… We’ve decided to go by bus, to make our money go that little bit more, the trip lasts some 33 hours, from Sao Paulo via Iguazu, crossing into Argentina and then down to Buenos Aires! So that will be the next, and final post..?????
Besos mil
Quene & James
Estas “grande” sobre la ciudad y resulta muy curiosa una panoramica asi.
Que segun la foto esta en el techo del edificio. Desde luego es originalisima.
Saludos besucones
Nooooooooooo not the last post!! The show must go on. Maybe posts entitled “Whelans” , “The 24 hour Spar O’Connel St”…. “Tescos”??
Hola Agus Y Las Sanfer Girls,
Pues tuvimos un poquito de vertigo alli arriba, de verdad, pero merecio la pena subir! La primera vez que estuvimos en Sao Paulo no podimos subir, porque hay un horario de visitantes, de las 15.00-16.00 cada dia, solo… Y justo esta segunda vez llegamos a las 15.55… que suerte!
Salu2 a to2!!!
Yea, well maybe not be last post, but I doubt they’ll be as frequent, or as exciting, “Quene goes to the Park”, or “James travelling on the Subte” (Metro/Underground) just doesn’t have the same impact, but ‘officially’ we still haven’t gone around the world, (btw the Daft Punk gig was deadly!!!!), so guess until we’re back in Dublin, the show goes on!!!! And, maybe a homecoming party in Whelans would be the best way to end the blog, miss that place sooo much, just hope it stays the same… you been there recently, or anyone else?
Adios muchachos,
La exposicion estaba al lado de la Av Paulista, (en el cuadrado blanco ) no en los ultimos pisos de este edificio, pero me gusto mucho la idea de voce esta aqui. Ahora estamos aqui si no aqui…
Hay muchos concursos de fotografia para el verano en Buenos Aires (que bien llega el verano… 🙂 )
Un beso para toda la familia de James por la perdida de Alice Murphy 1914-2006… su abuelica, 92 años la campeona, ahora desde esta otra panoramica nos estara viendo a todos. Un beso para ella.
Guys, we’d just like to wish James’ family our thoughts and condolencies for the loss of Alice Murphy 1914-2006, who passed away today aged 92. Alice, may you rest in peace.
Love James & Quene
Whelans is exactly the way you left it, though starting to feel a bit weird. Was chatting up this bird in there a few weeks back and was told I was a bit too old :). Oh well happens to us all I guess. Think I might have to commandeer the blog if you guys stop moving 🙂
To Murphy Family in Ireland
The Spanish family from Madrid
are sorry about the grandmother death.
James sorry to hear about your granny we hope you are OK.
You’ll be pleased to know Whelans is still the same, nothing has changed, not a lick of paint not nothing. Richie mustve gone to student night cos I find the crowd nicely grown-up, generally. Not out buying a carpet like I was last night, but grown up nevertheless! Oh the smoking garden is a real Whelans-within-a-Whelans and apparently THE place to meet someone- notsure if it had reached those levels when you guys were leaving. I havent been in a couple of months myself, must go sometime soon.
What is the e-mail address for you guys?
I should probably stop going there on a wednesday night 🙂 and yeah the “smokin room” is a glorified pick up joint mind you so is the dancefloor and upstairs and well um….
Hi Mairead,
thanks, we’re Ok, just a pity we couldn’t be back in Dublin for the funeral.
Seems Whelans sounds just like it used to. Yea, the smoking area was starting to become a bit of a pick-up joint alright last time we were there! Just sent you an email. Decided not to post it here, as we tend to get a lot of spam through here!
Whelan’s on a Wednesday night??? Come on you really must be getting desperate for some female company!
Chao muchach@s!
Hola!! ,
Ya estamos preparando el siguiente post, aunque andamos mas tranquilos desde que paramos en BA.
Este Sabado participe en un curso se pintura en la Avnda de Mayo.. fue muy divertido.
Andres Calamaro y Ariel Rot (ex Los Rodriguez se reunen otra vez para este concierto) tocan este finde vamos a ver si hay un huequecito para nosotros y os contamos.
Are you practicig your spanish?? Here is one expresion for you to learn…
“Viste Boludo” = ” Do you know what a mean dickhead”
We are going to show you lots of places like the botanical garden, and you can smell the roses here (like in Well) The stone roses .hahaha!!
We miss Whelans a lot and jump like teens when they play Nirvana (smells like teen spirtit… ) never better said ..
They introduced the smoking ban here as well , but is not the same, we were in the smoking garden in Whelans and it was the place to meet everybody.. it was crazy but good … sometimes it was so jammed it was imposible to move.. like that movie from the Marx Brothers (A night at the opera ) A night in the beer garden of Whelans .
We haven´t found any place like W yet….But we haven´t go out much.
It will be deadly if you can make it to BA as well..
Any news about the Shannon Cruise this year??
Talk to yous later
Hey Guys,
I’ve got labels in spanish on stuff in the house. Gonna go back over the self learing book and cd I got but I think it’ll be like leading a shoeless blind man around a floor of tick tacks to be honest. 🙂 it’ll probably be the only time I’ll ever be quiet lol
keep up the good work! Or not! Maybe better to have you quiet for a few days!
We have internet at home …Finally ..!!! So it will be easier to do posts ….. Rock & Roll …!!!!
Ya tenemos internet en casa asi que sera mas facil y mas barato comunicarnos…
Alright chiefs!!!! hows things, still seem to be living it up wherever uz go!!! Fair Play!!! Maybe this time next year i’ll be doin the same…who knows??? oh ny the way, just wondering, did you send anything in the post from Just i got something today??
Anyhoooo, gots to gets back to works!!!
See uz later, and enjoy!!!
p.s. emma is wondering where her present is!!! Ha ha ha!! Only joking!!! She says hi and hopes uz are having fun!!!
best of luck
Jay and emma
Howdy Jay,
yea that was your birthday pressy, hope you like it!
That was for both of you by the way!
Sorry Emma, you not a football fan then?
Teka care!
James & Quene
Sin las fotos y ahora con el internet casero , ha perdido el Blog algo de encanto. pero sigue gustando.
So what do ya have to do to get a present then?
Is there a quota of posts to the blog and when you fill it you get a pressie? 😉
BTW havent had a chance to check my gmail, its banned in work and we dont have internet at home yet.
Hey Guys,
Its lashing rain here today, gale force winds are battering the country and its bitter out there. Can’t wait for a bit of sun.
Cyis soon.
pués intentarémos hacerlo lo más interesante posible, también haremos viajecitos a otros lugares, cuando permite! Pero no nos abandones!!!
it helps if it’s your birthday, and you’re a family member, hehehe!!!
But as a long standing poster, I’m sure we can arrange something!!!
thanks for the weather update! That makes us feel just that bit better, that we made the right decision staying for the summer in the southern hemisphere during winter up north, guess it only gets worse eh, frost, ice, snow, or more wind and rain, brrrrrrrrrrr!!! U got email? Sent one to to your ureach add, but no reply… Oh, by the way, here in B.A. it’s about 30’C and sunny, and thats about it, just thought we’d share that, hehehe!!!!!
Cuidaros/Take care,
The ureach account should be working ok. I’ve been getting a lot of spam in there so maybe it got dumped out or something. Try or
Hey Richie,
We will try that again, by the way we are listening TripleJ , the Australian radio station we used to listen in our trip on the West Coast from Cairns back to Sydney for 4 weeks, that made our trip really kool, all the Summer concerts for the Big day Out.. new Years eve in Sydney .. ahhhh!! those days…!!!
How is it back in Oz, any plans for Xmas and New Years eve…? Big day out and all that.. We miss Aussieland. Say hello to the all gang.
Miss ya, hugs!
J & Q
the email address is thejamesmurphy AT