BootsnAll Travel Network

Flashback to Istanbul, Turkey (Post #139)

July 27th, 2006

At the time of the following story, Michele and i didn’t want to report it publicly because we didn’t want anyone to get overly concerned about my health considering the incident with my irregular heart beat (by the way, i haven’t had an irrgular beat since). anyway…

I went to the hospital in Istanbul (at the end of our tour of Turkey) because, regardless of the heart problems i encountered in Kas, i had been in generally poor health in Turkey and took a definite turn for the worse in Istanbul. Essentially, i just had a fever of about 103 and felt very bad and had diarrhea. We thought it would be a good idea to see a doctor and the hospital just happened to be the best option if for no other reason than we had heard the rumor that the English would be good there.

anyway, on to the examination in the hospital…

i was in a standard hospital room designed to contain maybe 6 patients all separated by curtains. After the doctor asked me what was going on with me (he actually spoke very good English and was very good at interviewing), he did some routine-type examinations. one of these involved feeling my abdomen and determining whether i had any pain in that area. of course, we have all had this exact same examination in the Dr’s office. in order to do this properly, he asked me to unbutton my pants and then he pulled them down maybe an inch or so. ok. fine. also perfectly normal. he finished, stepped back and said, “ok, you can take your clothes off now.” wow! this was really going to be a thorough examination. Michele later reported thinking this exact same thing.

so, i felt just a tiny bit uncomfortable removing all of my clothes (just as most people would) but i did it — every last stitch of clothing. after laying there on the hospital bed completely naked for a few minutes, a male nurse came in. He walked over to my right arm, took my blood pressure and then walked out. hmmmmm… i needed to have all of my clothes off in order for them to take my blood pressure??

a few minutes later, the Dr. came back in and said, “ok, you can take your clothes ON now.” he continued by saying, “i think you misunderstood me. i told you you could take your clothes on, not put them off.” ????

Michele and i both clearly heard “off” not “on” and it wouldn’t have made any sense to us for the Dr. to have said ON anyway because to us, my clothes weren’t off while he was feeling my abdomen.

what could this poor nurse have thought??? he walked into this room expecting a routine blood pressure check and instead his eyes were assaulted by the sight of some crazy, completely naked American. i’m sure he was traumatized!!

anyway, this story has provided both Michele and i with many, many laughs since. we hope everyone else also enjoys it.

a tangent — subsequent discussions have examined the flaws of the English language. it doesn’t really make any sense that we say “take clothes off” and “put clothes on”. the verbs should clearly be swapped such that a person takes their clothes on and puts them off. this, was the logic the Dr. used which may have added to the confusion. regardless, the Dr. in this particular story definitely said OFF and, in theory, the preposition should be the key word in this instance.


Re-Entry to the U.S. (Post#138)

June 22nd, 2006

We write…

On June 15th we set 3 alarms for 3:00am in order to be sure to get up in time to catch our pre-arranged taxi that was scheduled to pick us up at 4:00am. Our hostal owner, who spoke no English, told us (in Spanish) that he would make the arrangements for a taxi pick up. We were both a bit nervous about this and had “Plan B” in case there was no taxi at 4:00. “Plan B” was simply to go out on the main street and flag down a cab. This was not an option we wanted to take since the neighborhood we were staying in has a reputation for being dangerous at night.

We were very thankful to find the cab outside our hostal at 4:00a. We got to the airport with no problem and the 5 hour flight from Quito, Ecuador to Houston, Texas (USA) was uneventful. At about 12:00 noon we entered the United States.

We had been out of the United States for over year and had visited 29 countries. We doubted we would just walk through customs like all the other people – and we were right. On the U.S. immigration card one of the questions asked what country we had been to before coming to the U.S. We both wrote “Ecuador + 28 others”. We got in line with several hundred other people and commented to each other that we had never seen so many people at a border crossing.

At passport control we explained to the officer that we had been out of the country for over a year and I showed him a list of the countries we had visited. These included:

Netherlands (Holland)
Czech Republic
New Zealand

He immediately wrote a code on the top of our immigration cards and sent us on our way. When we got to customs, we noticed most people just walked on through. When we got to the customs officers they sent us to a special customs room. Once we were in the customs room we saw the majority of people following green arrows and their luggage was being x-rayed by a machine. We were told to follow the red arrows where our bags would be inspected by hand.

Neither one of us wanted to unpack our bag – not because we had anything to hide, but because it took us so long to find the perfect spot for each item so that everything would fit. Plus, we had carefully wrapped many of our souvenirs in articles of clothing and strategically placed them in just the right place so that they wouldn’t get damaged. Michele also bought some artwork that had been professionally packaged and unwrapping (then rewrapping) that would be a nightmare.

We went to two different officers. Michele’s customs agent asked her which countries she had been to, whether she was carrying food, flowers, or plants, and which countries were her favorites. He also asked her to describe the artwork that she was hand carrying. After answering these questions she was told to exit the room. Meanwhile….

Mike’s customs officer took every single item out of his pack and put it on a table to examine. Mike had some souvenirs wrapped up and the officer even unwrapped the individual souvenirs to take a closer look at them. Mike was also asked a lot of questions. The officer explained that there had been a recent increase in drugs smuggled from Ecuador and that’s why he wanted to go through Mike’s bag so thoroughly. The officer was pleasant enough and after 30 minutes of digging through Mike’s stuff, he let Mike repack his bag. During this time Michele waited outside the special customs room and asked people exiting whether or not Mike (tall guy with long beard) was still talking with an agent. One couple told Michele, “It’s going to be a while. He’s got the entire contents of his pack spread out all over a table.” About 45 minutes after Michele exited, Mike walked through the door.

We had booked our own flights back into the U.S. and purposefully scheduled a 3 hour layover just in case we had trouble getting through customs. We’re so smart!

So, after 374 days, 29 countries and tens of thousands of dollars (look for a complete spending analysis in the near future) we’re happy to report we are alive and well (but a bit tired). What a trip!

As a comparison, here we are before and after our around-the-world trip:

BEFORE leaving on our trip (June 5, 2005):


AFTER our trip (June 15, 2006):


We are now in San Francisco, California visiting friends. Tomorrow we will go to the Portland, Oregon area to visit Michele’s family before returning to our “home” (storage unit and P.O. box) on the East Coast…


Parasitic Occupation (Post #137)

June 18th, 2006

Mike writes–

Oh, the things i`ve been through on this trip…

As Michele mentioned in Post #136, we didn’t do a lot of sightseeing in Quito. One reason is that we were dealing with the situation described below.
While we were in the Santa Cruise Island after finishing our Galapagos cruise on the Legend i noticed a zit or ingrown hair on the back of my neck just about an inch below the hairline. It seemed logical that it was an ingrown hair because just about 10 days earlier Michele had shaved the back of my neck. One night Michele attempted to squeeze the pus out of it but only got what appeared to be oil. oh well, i figured it would be gone in a week or so…

Well, by the time we were in Riobamba it was not gone. In fact, it had grown a bit and by June 9th (the same day we rode the train), it was a bulge about 2″ in diameter. “hmmm… maybe my ingrown hair is infected,” i thought. I was beginning to think going to a Dr. when we got to Quito would be a good idea. Then, when we got up on the morning of June 10th, i thought it seemed like it was shrinking a bit. “Maybe i don`t need to go to a Dr.” It is such a pain to go to a Dr. in a foreign country. I was also considering the difficulty the language barrier might pose to me in the Dr´s office.

After thinking about it some more while we were on the bus from Riobamba to Quito, i decided it would be best to just go to the Dr. After all, while i do believe i know a bit about medicine, i really didn`t know what this thing on my neck was.

After settling into our hostal in Quito, i went and asked the manager about what hospital would be best for me to go to if i was looking for English-speaking Drs. He recommended Hospital Vozandes which is a hospital the Lonely Planet guide book indicates is American owned (at least it was at the time the book was researched). I understood him to say that all of the Drs there are foreigners and they speak English. Great! The Manager called us a $3 cab to the hospital and off we went.

Upon arriving at the hospital, my hopes were immediately dashed. As i looked around in the reception area of the hospital, i didn`t see a single sign in English… Spanish, Spanish everywhere. I actually began to get a bit angry. I just had different expectations based upon what i understood the hostal manager to be telling me.

We waited in line for a few minutes and were told to walk down the hall to the right and go to the Emergency “room”. When we got there, i began to get more angry. It was totally unclear to me what i was supposed to do next. There was a nurse in what appeared to be an Emergency reception room. She seemed to be “receiving” patients but everything was being conducted in Spanish and patients seemed to be cutting in front of me. I guess i wasn`t being assertive enough. Finally i spoke to the nurse in broken Spanish about why i had come to the hospital and showed her the inflammation on my neck.

A few minutes later i was in the Dr´s office again trying to have a conversation with him about my condition. After having a look, he called another Dr. in the hospital who could act as an interpreter. She explained to me in English what was going on. Ok so, the Dr. was going to drain my abcess and send what he drained to the lab. While we were waiting for the lab results (to be ready 4 days later on Wednesday — which was also going to be our last day outside of the U.S.) they would put me on a course of antibiotics which might be changed depending on the lab results.

So next the Dr. removed whatever was underneath the skin on the back of my neck. Michele and i had already noticed that whatever it was, it felt pretty solid, not like the softer feeling one would expect from a bacterial infection. The “draining” of my abcess was, as of yet, the most painful experience i have ever had.  I was obviously unable to see what he was doing but i felt him repeatedly pull my skin up, scrape around with some sort of blade, dig in the center with another instrument, and poke a needle several times into my neck. He did not use any anaesthetic.
When it was finally over, the collar of my shirt was soaked with blood, and the Dr. had taped gauze to my wound. When he told me i could sit up, i saw the tools the Dr. was using. These included a pair of surgical scissors and a syringe among others. I also noticed the “test tube” into which he had packed the sample. It was about 6″ long, the diameter of my little finger, and it was packed full of blood and something the color of pus but seemed to be solid (or colloidally suspended).

Since the the Dr. and i weren`t able to communicate directly, he called in the English-speaking Dr. to translate again. The translator explained that what i had was most likely the larva of a parasite since the thing in my neck was hard and actually quite difficult to remove. I commented that i also noticed it was hard to remove (was it ever!). So, the course of antibiotics would stand but additionally, i was to keep this gauze over the wound to prevent the larva from getting oxygen. Allegedly they would die within 24-48 hours without oxygen and, when i returned on wednesday, anything still there could be removed. When i explained we were expecting to fly to the U.S. on Thursday, i was told that was no problem.

Later that evening, we went to an internet cafe and did a google search on parasitic flys endemic to South America. The most likely candidate we came up with was the Human Botfly which you can read more about at this site . These creatures infest humans in one of a few ways. One way is that a fly catches a mosquito, lays its eggs on the mosquito and when the mosquito goes to bite a human, the human body heat causes the larva to hatch out of the eggs and burrow under the skin. They also allegedly lay eggs in clothing. When a person puts the clothing on, the eggs hatch and the larva burrow as with the mosquito bite.

Through our research online, we found that the larva use the hole they burrowed through to breath and covering this hole is the way to starve the larva of oxygen and cause them to come back to the skin`s surface in search of oxygen. They can also sometimes be removed manually but care must be taken to remove the creatures in their entirety and not leave any infection-promoting pieces behind.

At this point, we began to get concerned about whether the Dr. had done the right thing by attempting manual extraction. Furthermore, we weren`t confident the gauze was really going to suffocate these bastards. Seemed to us that air can pass through gauze. So that night and the following days we started taking the additional measure of smearing antibacterial ointment on the wound. Yes, we know antibacterial ointment isn´t going to kill a fly larva but the antibiotics of such an ointment is actually held in petroleum jelly (like vasoline). Smearing petroleum jelly on the breathing hole is one proposed way of preventing the larva from getting oxygen. We figured antibacterial ointment is just one step better because we would also be discouraging bacterial infection at the same time.

On Sat, June 10th, upon leaving the hospital i was told to come back on Monday, to get my neck cleaned, and on Wednesday, to get the lab results.

We went back to the hospital on Monday. A nurse cleaned my neck and put a fresh bandage on. About 30 minutes after leaving the hospital i started feeling bad. About 4 hours after leaving the hospital i had a high fever and chills. We decided to go back. This time 2 doctors examined my neck in the emergency room. Neither one spoke English so they got a 4th year med student to act as the translater. They gave me Tylenol to reduce my fever and after some discussion, said (via the translator) that they did not think there were any larva in my neck. After paying $15 for the emergency room visit, I was told to be sure to come back on Wednesday.

And so, this story is now coming to an end…

We went back to the hospital on Wednesday to get the lab results. The doctor we saw did not speak English but i understood about 90% of what she said. She told us the test results were negative for bacteria. This didn’t necessarily mean there were never any larva in my neck. However, she said there was no larva now and that no further action was necessary.
At this time (4 days after the last hospital visit), the thing on my neck is much smaller and seems to be diminishing. Although everything turned out o.k., i will probably never know for sure whether or not there were larva living in my neck. There was certainly something big there at one time but what that thing was will probably remain a mystery.


Quito, Ecuador (Post #136)

June 16th, 2006

Michele writes…

On the morning of Jun10th, we went to the terminal terriste (main bus terminal) in Riobamba to catch a bus going to Quito. The way it works in Ecuador (and many other South American countries) is that you simply go to the bus station and walk around looking at all the ticket booths and listening for your destination being called out. All of the bus companies have lists showing the times their bus goes to various cities. When it gets close to when a bus is leaving, a guy from the bus company will yell out the name of the city the bus is going to.
On this day, we arrived at the bus station at 9:26 and immediately heard “Quito! Quito! Quito!” We walked up to the man and he showed us the way to his company’s booth where we bought a ticket for the 9:30am bus. After purchasing the ticket we followed him to a spot outside the bus station and in approximately 1 minute, a bus pulled up and we got on.

The 4 hour bus ride from Riobamba to Quito was quite beautiful. Like many bus trips we’ve taken before, at each stop a bunch of people get on the bus walking up and down the isle selling things they have in their hand. They yell out the name of the item and you wave your hand if you want one of the things. About half of the time we can’t identify the thing they are selling but we know it is some type of food or drink. On this bus ride, we observed something not seen before. A man came on the bus and passed out a small book to everyone (except us – the only two gringos). He then gave a speech and people either gave the book back or paid him a dollar. Another time a man got on the bus and passed out necklaces to everyone (again, except us), made a speech and the same thing happened. Either people gave the necklaces back or paid him a small amount of money. We have taken buses all over the world but on this, our last bus trip, we saw this novel way of selling items and it was something we had never seen before.

We arrived in Quito in the early afternoon and were relieved to see our bags were still under the bus. We caught a cab into the Mariscal area, which is where all the backpackers stay. I had previously reserved a “mini-suite” in a hostel for $32/night. This price is quite expensive for Quito backpacker land but we wanted to have a (relatively) nice place to stay during the last few days of our around-the-world trip. Hostal Alcala was a great place to stay. Our room was very large and it had a refrigerator, cable TV with lots of movie channels, a bathroom and several closets. The hostal served a nice breakfast each day (included in the price) and there was a computer with free internet access. Perhaps best of all, there was a flowering tree outside our room where a couple of hummingbirds seemed to live. Each day we spent a few minutes watching the hummingbirds, marveling at their wingspeed. Here is a picture of our favorite guy, who reliably sat on the same branch every day:


So, what did we do in Quito? Well, not much. We had planned to do a couple of day trips out of the city but never did (for reasons we will explain in blog #137).
Still, on a couple of occasions we went to some different markets to look for souviners. One day we also walked all around the Mariscal (aka New Town) area and went to the park. On another day we ventured into the Old Town area which is full of gorgeous architecture. In the Old Town we ate lunch in one of the huge cobble stone squares, had dessert at a heladeria (ice cream shop), and visited two churches. One is shown in the photo below. As you might imagine, one minute after I took this picture it started to storm. Although Quito (at an altitude of 9348 ft.) lies almost directly on the equator and the sun felt like it was burning a hole through our heads when it was out, each day in the afternoon a thunder and lightening storm kicked up for about 30 minutes. Then the sun came out again. So, this photo of the basilica was taken minutes before one of these daily storms.

The rest of the time in Quito we did things like meet traveling friends for dinner, hang out at the nearby internet cafe, and watch movies on one of the 10 movie chanels available on the TV in our room. These activities were not quite as exciting as riding on the roof of a train or swimming with hammerhead sharks but we both agreed that after traveling for 373 days, we just wanted some down time before returning to the U.S. and ending our around-the-world trip.


Riobamba, Ecuador (Post #135)

June 11th, 2006

Michele here…

As Mike wrote in the last blog we arrived at our not-so-great hostel (Ecuahogar Hostel) in the suburbs of Guayaquil on Tuesday, June 6th. The main reason for staying at this place was because it was close to the terminal terreste (main bus terminal). So, on the day we arrived we walked to the bus station and bought tickets to go to Riobamba the next day. 

On the way home from the bus station we stopped by a grocery store. (I know this blog is on Riobamba but…) To give you an idea about what Guayaquil is like, we went to the grocery store in the more-safe-than-downtown suburb of Los Sauces and there was a guard tower directly in front of the grocery store doors.  In the guard tower was a guard with a rifle, apparently ready for any person planning on stealing food.  If a person managed to get by the guard with the gun in the guard tower, there were two more guards in bullet-proof vests past the guard tower who stood in front of a metal fence.  We laughed about this but then we thought about buying groceries in downtown Guayaquil where we didn´t go into the store because it had bars on the outside.  Instead, you told the woman what it was you wanted and she passed it to you through a hole in the bars.  In downtown Guayaquil, we also dropped our laundry off through a hole in the bars at the laudry service place and picked it up through the hold in the bars as well.  (Just thought I would share that because it makes for an interesting story.)

Anyway, on the morning of Wednesday, June 7th, we left our not-so-great hostal in the not-so-great Los Sauces suburb of Guayaquil and caught a cab to the main bus terminal.  We checked in at the ticket counter and the guy said something in Spanish that we didn´t understand.  We hear things in Spanish that we don´t understand and if it doesn´t seem important, we generally just ignore them.  Since we had 8:15am bus tickets and it was 7:35 we went and sat in the monstrous waiting area where there were 15 flat screen TVs showing music videos.  At about 7:55a we made our way to the bus where we saw the guy who sold us the tickets.  He and another guy were waving and yelling something in Spanish.  As we walked up, the bus was starting to leave.  Oh sh$&%(/#! One guy yelled at the bus driver and he stopped. The other guy took our bags and put them in the storage area under the bus.  And away we went at exactly 8:00am, 15 minutes early. Whew! That was a close one! In retrospect we think the guy at the ticket counter probably told us the bus was going to leave early that day but since we didn´t understand what he was saying we didn´t know.

The 5 hour bus ride from Guayaquil to Riobamba was filled with beautiful scenary. We actually weren´t sure when we were supposed to get off the bus (a common problem) so we got off one stop early.  The bus attendant yelled, “Cajabamba” and with the Latin American music blaring over the bus speakers it sounded like “Riobamba” to us.  After we collected all our belongings and got off the bus, I said to the man, “Riobamba, Si?”  He said something that I didn´t understand but Mike told me that he said we are near Riobamba but not at Riobamba. So we get back on the bus for another 30 minutes.  When we got off in Riobamba, we were surprised how cold it was but then we remembered that Riobamba lies at an altitude over 9,000 ft (so no wonder it was cold!)  We caught a cab to the downtown area of Riobamba (population 126,000).

Just like many times before, we stood there on the corner in the middle of the city with our bags and our map, trying to figure out where we are.  We didn´t have a place to stay but identified a place in the guidebook near where we were standing and go there.  It turned out to be a lovely place.  It (Hotel Tren Dorado) was a actually several houses, each nicely decorated with a common sitting area and a garden.  Our room had coordinating old-fasioned English furniture and decorations. Best of all it was clean, with hot water (yes!) towels, and soap. All for $16.   

The next day we just hung out in the city, ran errands and caught up on our blogs.  One fun, unexpected thing that happened was that at about 4:00pm, we heard a band playing.  Hmm…what was that? We walked down to the main street in town to find a huge parade was taking place.  It was clear that it was some sort of (beauty?) contest whereby good looking girls in white satin outfits sat on top of different floats waving to the crowd.  Behind each girl and her float were either dancers or a marching band.  We watched the parade for almost an hour.  It was very interesting to watch because each group of dancers or marching band members wore colorful costumes and no two groups were alike. The dancers were in traditional outfits from various cultures. There was one group where the men carried spears, wore scary masks and huge feather headresses and the women carried skulls. Bet you never saw that in a parade in the states!   

The main reason we came to Riobamba was because it is the starting point of a spectacular 5-hour train that includes going down the “hair-raising” Nariz del Diablo (Devil´s Nose). Passengers are allowed to ride on the roof of the train and that´s exactly what we did.

On Friday, June 9th, we got up at 5:00am in order to be at the train station by 6:00 to get a good seat on the roof of the train.  A good seat, we were told by another traveler, is towards the back so that you are not sucking fumes from the train engine the entire time. This same person also told us to dress warmly and yes, do rent the seat cusions. That morning we rented 4 seat cushions for $4 – good thing because it would be impossible to ride on the roof without these cushions. Here we are on top of the train:


We didn´t think the train ride was as scary as the guidebook made it out to be but it sure had its fair share of unexpected events.  Oh sure, it started out innocently enough… 

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Galapagos Islands, Ecuador – Part VI (Post #134),

June 8th, 2006

Our last full day (May 31st) on the Legend, after visiting Espanola, we skipped the afternoon excursion to the interpretive center on San Cristobal.  We figured we had already seen the Darwin Center at Puerto Ayora and the interpretive center didn´t sound like it had anything new to offer.   So, that afternoon we just relaxed in our room until our final briefing and subsequently our final dinner aboard the Legend.  Our fellow booby, Cathy, took this photo of us and the sunset shortly before the last briefing.


The next morning, after an uneventful zodiac ride through the mangrove forest of Black Turtle Cove on Santa Cruz, we disembarked the Legend for the final time and arrived at the dock on Baltra Island where we found this fellow waiting for the bus to the airport…IMGP3419.JPG

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Galapagos Islands, Ecuador – Part V (Post #133)

June 8th, 2006

Michele writes….

We woke up May 30th to find the Legend cruiseship was anchored in a giant volcanic crater.  When we went up to the ship deck we found we were surrounded on all sides by Genovesa island except for a break in the crater where the ship had sailed through.  For our morning excursion we went by zodiac to some steep rocky steps and walked up to the cliffs of Genovesa Island. It was here that we finally saw the Galapagos red footed booby. They obviously have red feet but also have a beautiful light blue beak.  Here is a picture:


On Genovesa we also saw masked boobies, and thousands of birds flying over the sea cliffs.  I commented to Mike that there were so many birds that they looked like locusts. 

After our hike we went snorkeling off of the zodiac boats. The water is supposedly 1000 meters deep around Genovesa so when we went snorkeling we were next to a wall and couldn´t see the bottom.  The visibility was excellent and we saw a white tip shark and a far away hammerhead shark.  At one point we were only about 6 inches away from 3 sea lions who were playing around near us. We also saw a huge (2.5 ft.) blue fish with yellow jigsaw patterns and a lot of smaller intense rainbow colored fish.  Mike spotted a guinea fowl puffer fish and when he dove down to take a closer look it ballooned into a giant yellow puffy ball.

After our lunch and afternoon siesta, we went to Darwin Bay off of Genovesa Island.  We landed on a white sandy beach with sea lions lounging all around.  We again observed the male frigets inflate their red pouches every time a female flew over and we saw several red footed and masked boobies nesting.  We were supposed to snorkel in Darwin Bay but the surf was rough and the visibility was poor so we just swam around.

Back on the ship we were surprised with an ice cream sundae bar. After going back for seconds, we watched a beautiful sunset with Jim, Cathy, and Jim´s mom, Ruth.

Overnight we sailed to Espanola Island. On Wed, May 31st, we went to Suarez Point on Espanola Island for our morning excursion.  On this island we saw a few creatures we had not seen before.  One of these creatures was the large albatross bird. There were many pairs of albatrosses mating and their mating dance was fascinating to watch. They looked like they were actually dancing with each other.  We also saw a new subspecies of marine iguana called the Espanola iguana.  These iguanas are quite colorful as a result of the different nutrients they get from this particular island.  Most are black and red like these two friends: 


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Galapagos Islands, Ecuador – Part IV (Post #132)

June 8th, 2006

On May 28th both of our excursions were to the island of Santa Cruz.  Of the Archipelago, Santa Cruz has the largest population with the largest city on the island, Puerto Ayora, having about 20,000 inhabitants. 

The morning excursion was to the Darwin Station nearby the city of Puerto Ayora.  Here, there is an ongoing program to help the giant Galapagos tortoise population recover.  Our guide showed us the egg incubators and several enclosures each containing different age groups of the tortoises.  It was interesting to look at the dates on the pens to see how big a giant tortoise is at various points in its life.  The 2-year-olds weren´t much bigger than my hand but adult Galapagos tortoises can weigh up to 250kg and live for over one hundred years.  I once saw an episode of Crocodile Hunter in which Steve Irwin visited the oldest of these (actually living in Australia now) who is over 160 years old!

After viewing the nurserys, we saw some of the giants.  Here´s one…


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Galapagos Islands, Ecuador – Part III (Post #131)

June 7th, 2006

Mike and Michele write…

On the morning of May 27th, we arose at our normal early hour, had the buffet breakfast and disembarked for the island of Santiago at 8 a.m. We arrived on a beautiful black sand beach and did an easy hike on a flat trail.  There were sea lions laying all over the place. They are not scared of people and barely move when you get near them. Here is a picture Michele took of a young one:


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Galapagos Islands, Ecuador – Part II (Post #130)

June 7th, 2006

Mike writes…

Our first excursion from the M/S Galapagos Legend was just 2.5 hours after getting onboard.  This was beginning to look like what we experienced in the Amazon Basin — we would be very busy with excursions.  Anyway, the first excursion was to Bartolome, an island closeby Baltra (the one with the airport).  Our trip to Bartolome involved hiking along a boardwalk and up some wooden steps to the highest point on the island.  This wasn´t the best island for wildlife but we did see a dozen or so lava lizards.  Our guide pointed out the difference between the male and female lava lizards.  Basically, the females have red-orange coloration on the sides of their face and neck and while the males also sometimes have a bit of orange around the neck, it isn´t as dramatic as that on the females.  Here is a picture of a female lava lizard…


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