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November 09, 2003

I'm goin' to Disney Wat!

Ta and her sister and I visited a couple of the larger temples and the Grand Palace. (I guess I can tell my mom that I went to church this weekend!) They were insanely huge and ornate. Really beautiful, but I felt kinda weirded out, like I was paying admission to gawk at a couple of monks and the other tourists. I hate the feeling that I’m complicit in commodifying culture. Felt like Disney Wat (wat is thai for temple). There was some really exquisite mosaic ornamentation done in a 3-dimensional style that I took pictures of so that I can experiment with that style of mosaic when I get back home, and some other
interesting stuff. Mostly I couldn't take pictures of the buddha statues because they tend to be kept in the sanctuary where pictures weren't allowed. I’m not a very good tourist at all. Not buying overpriced souvenirs, not taking oodles of photo opp’s at the temples and palace.

Posted by Valkyrie on November 9, 2003 05:18 AM
Category: Thailand

Wow, you went to church?!!! I will definitely tell mom. By the way, I was in a church a couple of weeks ago. Thankfully it wasn't on the same day as you or there might have been a quake or lightning or something...xoxo Gabe

Posted by: gabe on November 20, 2003 10:58 PM

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