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June 02, 2005


Well, here I finally am. Only 5 months since I arrive in Auckland, I am actually updating my travel blog! As hard as it may be for you all to believe I really don't have that much to tell you about my time here but I'll try.

I arrived here 2 days before Christmas. It was pouring with rain and I was not amused as I'd just left the lovely hot climate of Fiji. Although there were xmas decorations everywhere and the usual carols playing in every shop, it just didn't feel like Christmas. I stayed in a massive hostel right in the middle of the city called ACB. I met up with a girl who'd I'd been on the Fiji experience with so we hung out a bit but she was staying in a different hostel. I bought a ticket for the hostels xmas dinner so at least I'd be with other travellers, however on xmas eve I went to the backpackers bar, met some scottish lads, got very drunk and carried on drinking all through the night so that by the time xmas dinner came around, I was passed out! I did find time to do the reverse bungy before I passed out though - its basically a big metal ball which shoots you up in the air very fast and spins you upside down. How I was never sick, I will never know. The next few weeks in Auckland were pretty much all the same, everywhere was closed for xmas and new year, there was nothing much to do so along with a group of friends I'd made in the hostel we partied non stop for about 3 weeks. Sometime after New Year, I had to admit defeat and give in before my liver did. Plus I was running out of money!

I got myself a job waitressing in a Belgian Beer cafe and for my sins I'm still there 5 months later! You're only supposed to work for the same employer for 3 months but once you're paying the government tax, no one cares. The Occidental, as it's called, employs a lot of travellers so people are always coming and going which now makes me one of the most senior members of staff! It's quite a famous place and is in loads of guidebooks so we're pretty much always busy and we do pretty well for tips cos theres a lot of tourists and europeans go there. However, it is a proven fact amongst staff that us girls do far better in tips than the male members of staff! The fact that we unzip our tops slightly I'm sure has nothing to do with this!

I've made a lot of friends in Auckland and met up with quite a few friends I made in Fiji and even someone I met when I was working in Gran Canaria a few years ago - small world eh? A lot of them have moved on now and I think that is proably the worst part of travelling is having friends constantly coming and going out your life. I am very close with a lot of the staff at the Occidental though and tend to socialise mostly with them - I spend most my bloody life there even when I'm not working! Some of the staff are travellers but a few are kiwis. It's a great place to meet people as well so cos all sorts of people go there. I've got loads of e-mails and phone numbers from very kind people inviting me to meet up when I'm in Australia or in the South Island of NZ. Sky Sports UK were in the other day - they're here for the Lions Tour which we're all looking forward to immensely - loads of tips from drunk british guys and loads of fit rugby supporters to ogle at! Anyway, I was offered a date with one of them - his Dad owns a footbal team back home supposedly, but I turned him down. Only thing is he knows where I work, so no escaping him! But thats just an example of why and how we're always socialising at the Occidental!

It is winter here now and is raining quite a lot - just like being back home really. Kiwis don;t know how lucky they are though. Yes, it's cold and you do need a jacket but it's nothing like what we brits are used to. The way you hear the kiwis moan though, you'd think it was minus 5 all the time. The weather in the Summer was fantastic. I went to the beach every one of my days off, there are beaches all over and some are onyl about 10 mins away on the bus and I alos went to the park all the time on my breaks from work. There is no ozone layer here so you have to be mega careful about sun protection and my tan has faded as fast as I got it. I can hear the sunbeds calling me. I haven't really explored much of Auckland at all - terrible I know, I've only been here 5 months! But I've been so busy working, partying and recovering! I promise I will start to venture out more and update you all as soon as possible. What I have seen is truly beautiful, it really is a stunning country. Kiwis take a bit of getting used to, they're quite rude unintentionally but very friendly people. Certain things are a bit backwards over here and they are defintely behind on the fashion and trend stakes. Cost of living is pretty good though wages are low. I live in a fantastic 2 bedroom apartment right in the heart of the city - it has 2 levels and is almost brand new. I share it with an english girl called Claire. I could never afford a place like that in Glasgow working as a waitress.

I've had a few romances since I've been here but nohting serious. I did have myself a toyboy for 2 months but it's fizzled out now. He was truly the most gorgeous man (boy) I have ever come across. He's kiwi but his Mum's Samoan so he had dark skin, jet black curly hair, about 6' 3 - he was heaven. It was fun while it lasted but he was very young! So I haven't met the love of my life whilst travelling but I'm having plenty of fun looking!

As some of you may remember, I'm actually supposed to be in Australia now. Well, my plans have changed. I'm going to Australia for the weekend in 3 weeks time - going to stay with a girl that I met in LA. I have to fly into Australia by a certain date to activate my work visa. My work visa for NZ runs out in December but my boss has agreed to write me the letter I need to apply for a work permit for 1 year. In September, I'm taking 3 months off from work to travel the east coast of Australia and then I'm coming back to NZ in time for xmas and hopefully my new work permit. When my lease runs out on my current apartment in July, I'm going to get a flat with 2 people from work and when I'm in OZ, they'll rent my room out. So when I return from OZ in December, I'll have a job, an apartment and hopefully a work permit. And then, I'll just take it from there.

I miss my family but I'm not at all homesick and can't imagine coming home to Scotland, not just yet anyway. Plus I've met so many fantastic people from all over the world - I have a thousamd other places to visit now!

I've probaly forgotten to tell you all about a million things but as I remember them, I'll add them in and I promise you all that I'll really try harder to stay in touch!! Bye for now xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Posted by Trish on June 2, 2005 07:08 AM
Category: New Zealand

Well good to hear you're alive, I've just had may sort of last big exams at uni just gotta hope for a pass. I am going to be spending the summer in Oban of all places on placement - I bet ther is much much more that you ain't telling us but I will hear about it take care trisha lol kirsteen & Colin xxx

Posted by: kirsteen on June 2, 2005 07:22 PM
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